Comments on: Meet our Cousins Tue, 14 Oct 2008 02:16:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Forty Paws Tue, 14 Oct 2008 02:16:58 +0000 Heh. We like what Max said about Bruiser being undertall. What a cute group of woofie and poodins!

Luf, Us

By: Honey P. Sat, 04 Oct 2008 17:00:36 +0000 dey are all such cute fur babies

By: Daisy the Curly Cat Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:12:07 +0000 What a beautiful family! Thanks for telling us about them.

By: Parker Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:23:19 +0000 What a great blended family. I hope they are enjoying Missouri!

By: Poppy Q Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:06:40 +0000 What a nice family of cousins – a big old family of love. Maybe they need to have a blog, I bet they would have a lot to say!!

By: Tammy Faye Mon, 29 Sep 2008 05:20:20 +0000 Rainbow and Toast look like we could all be related! That’s very cool that Toast has extra toesies–she is very special! Muse looks a little like Panda Bear. Mom says Cinnamon is a ded ringer for a cat she had when she was a child. His name was Bubalah, which means something like Sweetie in Yiddish. Bruiser looks very cuddly for a woofie! We hope that they all like their new home in Meowssouri.
I’s been very confusing at my house lately because my Beans have been moving furniture around and getting rid of my toy dust bunnies.Some nice strangers came to fix the kitchen ceiling and put smelly stuff on the walls. Mom sez it is to prepare for a Jewish Holiday called Rush Hah! Shanuh. My boy, Tim is bringing his fraternity brothers home Tuesday night for a big dinner. I hope mom lets me lick the plates. She never does, but mebbe this time…

By: Max Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:18:08 +0000 Tsk. Bruiser’s not overweight. He’s just undertall.
