Award – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Sun, 04 Apr 2010 03:29:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sunshine Award! Sat, 03 Apr 2010 19:27:43 +0000 it is a bee-yoo-tiful sunny day here in northeast o-hi-o! happy spring to kitties in the northern hemisphere! the sun is out, the birdies are chirping, and the lenten mice are back (but that’s a whole other post)!

the flowers are bloomifying, and it’s warm enough to have windows and screen door open so we can sniff the fresh air!

just last week on thursday, it snowed! but then last friday was sunny and warm, so most of the snow meltified …

… except where there was too much shade, like along the tall fence.

but now, all the snow is gone, and it has been so warm that we actually set new records for the high temperature! it was 82 degrees F on thursday, and 86 degrees F on friday.

these temperatures are more typical of august, not april. normal highs here for this time of year are in the low 50’s, and it can snow here in april, like it did a few years ago on easter weekend.

to celebrate, here are some photos of spring from our garden. crocuses are one of the first things to bloom, so Mom loves them, which is why she plants so many.

these are yellow crocuses:

lavender crocuses:

white crocuses:

purple crocuses:

Mom says the best thing about living where the winters are so harsh is really appreciating spring! Mom is glad that we live where we can plant bulbs in the fall. when she plants them, she says “good night until spring” to the bulbs as she puts them into the ground.

mom and dad call this flower bed daffodil hill. (it’s not really a hill, just a raised flower bed.) it’s a reference to the famous Daffodil Hill in Lake View Cemetery.

more daffodils:

these are called blue hyacinths:

these are white hyacinths. Mom says they have the strongest scent of the different colors of hyacinths, which is why she likes the white ones.

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it also seems appropriate to mention that our friend Monty from Monty Graycat Ponders Out Loud gave us this fabulous award: The Sunshine Award! Thank You Monty!  we are so humbled!

the rules for this award are: to accept this award you must pass it on to 12 other recipients and post their blog links along with the award and of course send a comment to them telling them how they have brought SUNSHINE to you.  we thought we would give it to six bloggers, in order to leave some others out there eligible to receive it.

1) It’s All Good

2) Fin

3) Tristan & Crikey

4) Cat Sitter in the City

5) Darling Millie

6) Momo

* * *

In other news, Cookie is entered into Misha’s Kitty Fight Club! She is competing on April 22! Please visit Misha’s blog to read more about it!  And please consider voting for Cookie!

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Award Long Overdue Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:01:13 +0000 Greetings! Our dear friend Poppy Q from New Zealand gave us this beautiful award some time ago. We are just now posting about it. We are very fond of Poppy Q, and adore reading her blog and learning about life in New Zealand, oh so far away.

This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY – nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

We are grateful for the award from Poppy Q, but feel unworthy because we have not been good kitteh blogging friends of late. Perhaps we should explainify why we haven’t been visiting as often as we would like.

About a year ago, Mommy began taking on some new responsibilities where she works, including training a new bean. At about the same time, Mommy’s sister (Aunt Patty) was getting married. Shortly after Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris got married, they moved to Missouri. You may remember that we blogged about their wedding, reception, and move. Mommy and Daddy helped Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris, and our cousins Rainbow, Muse, Cinnamon, Toast, and Bruiser move to Missouri.

When Mommy got back to work, she had to hire another two new beans, for a total of three newbeans in five months. So Mommy was busy all day training and then spent most evenings and weekends doing her own work. Which did not leave enough time for us, Daddy, or blogging! Now, the three new beans are just about through with training, so now Mommy can do more of her own work in the daytime, and spend more time with us on the weekends!

So we have been trying to get caught up reading blogs and finding out what all we missed in the Cat Blogosphere. We really appreciate those of you who have continued to follow our blog, and to leave us comments, without our doing much to reciprocate. You make us laugh and smile and cry and be grateful to be part of this wondrous network known as the Cat Blogosphere.

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Excellent Award and Bambino Update Sat, 09 Feb 2008 17:21:05 +0000 Hi efurrybody! Panda Bear repurrting.

First, we would like to thank our good friend Millie for giving us this award:

Excellent Blog

Wow, we are humbled to be awarded by someone like Millie, who has such a fantastic blog.  Now, we need to pass the award on.  We would like to recognize:

Max, The PsychoKitty (my purrsonal role model and truly an Excellent Blogger)

Now for the update on recent events at Casa Cabán.  This has been a tough week. Mommy and Daddy went back to work on Monday, leaving The Furry Bambinos home alone. We managed OK without them, but we missed them and gave them a warm welcome when they got home.

Then Daddy got sick with “the flew”. I dunno why they call it that, cause he sure wasn’t doing any flying like a birdie. And he was not as much fun as Mommy was when she was sick. Daddy went to work instead of staying home and sleeping on the sofa with us.

Then on the way home from work yesterday, The Room That Moves got sick. Apparently its scarf fell off while Daddy was driving to go get Mommy. The Room That Moves made awful loud noises. Daddy said that he had to call Triple A. They came and toad The Room That Moves to the fix-it place.  I didn’t realize Triple A used toads.

Panda Bear? 

Yes, Dad?

I said the muffler fell off, not the scarf.  And the car was towed, not toad.

Muffler, scarf, frogs, toads, whatever.

And Daddy says The Room That Moves will purr like a kitten once it’s all fixed.  I dunno about that.

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our first award! Sun, 06 Jan 2008 22:36:07 +0000 we have received our first-ever award!!

jb from jb’s big world gave us a “thank you for being my friend” award: Best Friend Award

jb likes meerkats, and he (ooops!) she gave us the award because we have a meerkat (that’s me)!

thank you so much jb! we think you are a fun friend too!

we would like to paw it forward to miss daisy, darling millie, pyewacket & trixie ,and tigger the fbi cat

thanks again jb for our first award!

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