Clues – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Sat, 17 Oct 2009 17:36:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Searching for Clues Sat, 17 Oct 2009 15:27:22 +0000 Hello Kittehs of the Blogosphere!  Thank you all for your fabulous suggestions!  We kittehs of Casa Furry Bambino have been trying to ascertain what all the hubba is about regarding The-Closed-Door-To-Mommy’s-Office.

Daisy the Curly Cat agrees with us that this is very mysterious!

Our friends at Jan’s Funny Farm, Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay Boy, Jasmine and Capu from Singapore, Parker, Zoey, Ernie, and Wally (AKA The Island Cats), and Charlemagne and Tamar, all suggested that there might be another Furry Bambino in there.  Gasp!  How could Mommy and Daddy do that to us?

Our friend Tammy Faye (whose Mom is one of our kitty sitters), suggested that Mom might just be in there trying to get some work done.  Without us there to help!  Egad!

Our friends Yaffa, Sebastian, and Dante wondered if there might be a woofie in there.  Oh my goodness!

Our friend Poppy Q thinks that there may be more fosters in there!

And our friends Lizzie, Caitie, and Nicky (AKA The Good Cats) suggested that we use our other senses, such as sniffing and listening, to try to learn more.

Well, I can definitely make out a scent that is a mixture of feline, litter, and food.

Look what Panda Bear sniffed out:

He found it in the food pantry next to our bags of crunchies:

Cookie says she heard “ba-ddump ba-ddump ba-ddump” coming from the room.  Meerkat says she heard mewing coming from the room.

Padre saw these on the kitchen counter:

Kittehs, what do all these clues tell us?

By the way, I am supposed to mention that Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat will be celebrating their Gotchaversary on Thursday, October 22!  Stop by on Thursday for a party!

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