Contest – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:05:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This One’s For You, Dad Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:05:24 +0000 As you may know, Dad is Chief Pooper Scooper here at Casa Furry Bambino.  Dad scoops our litter boxes in the basement, as well as the litter boxes in the foster kitteh room.

Recently, Dad complained to Mom that the “output” of the 6 foster kittehs exceeds the “output” of the 5 of us Furry Bambinos.  Something about them producing more in 12 hours than we do in 24 hours.


Never being one to back down from a challenge, I marched downstairs to the basement and made a significant contribution into Litter Box #6.

This one’s for you, Dad!

Now, Padre, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel, I need you to do your part as well!

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And the Winner Is … Sat, 13 Mar 2010 19:43:06 +0000 Hi Efurryone!  Thank you all so much for all the Birthday Wishes!  Caramel and I had a great time at our “Coming-Out Party” with all of you to help us celebrate! It was great to see friends we knew, as well as to meet new friends! Plus, with all the comments we received, we were able to make a nice donation to the Humane Society of the United States!!

We decided to have a contest for a Gift Certificate to The Animal Rescue Site store! Since Caramel and I both celebrated our birthdays, we decided that each of us should choose a winner.

We typed all of your names onto a piece of paper, and then Panda Bear “assisted” with trimming the paper into individual pieces for each name.

Then, we put the little pieces of paper into a special bowl (Mom says it is handmade by a very special friend).  Padre inspected the names in the bowl to make sure they all were in there.

Padre said that the names passed his inspection, and it was time to draw the winners!

I really didn’t want all that responsibility, so I let Panda Bear choose my name for me.

Panda Bear carefully considered his options.

Finally, Panda Bear selected the first winner!

And the winner is … Noll from Noll’s Nip!

Caramel wanted to select her own winner. She studied the bowl of names.

But she actually drew two names, so to be fair, we are giving gift certificates to both A Few Good Cats at It’s All Good and Tiki and Kirby!

Hooray for all the winners!

And as promised, Mom is making a donation to the Humane Society of the United States in our honor!

On our four birthday blog posts, we received a total of:

30 + 9 + 11 + 14 =

Umm …  Ahhh …

A really big number of comments!  So Mom will be making a donation to the HSUS of $A Really Big Number. What’s that Mom?

Mom said that she decided to round up to $100.00!  Thanks Mom!! The Humane Society will put our gift to good use “to protect not only America’s most beloved companion animals—dogs and cats—but also other pets, wildlife, farm animals, and animals in research” (from our Thank You from HSUS).

We received an award from Monty Graycat, so we will post about that next time! Thanks Monty!

And thanks again to all of you who helped make our first birthday so special!

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announcing the winners in furry bambino contest Thu, 23 Oct 2008 03:20:16 +0000 gosh, thanks to efurryone who stopped by to visit our blog in the last few days to wish us a happy gotcha day! we are truly touched by all the wonderful kitties in the cat blogosphere! we are so happy that so many of you could make it to our party! it has been great to see all of you, and we have had lots of fun. it was great to see old friends, and to meet some new friends too!

Meerkat Feather Toy

the kind-hearted souls over at whimpurrs whim gave us this beyootifull card:

Happy Gotcha Furry Bambinos

thank you so much! it really tickles us that you thought of us!

and now, for the big announcement! it is time to announce the winners of the very first bambino contest!

to celebrate the anniversary of our adoption, we decided to hold a contest. over the last several posts, you have left your name in the comments to enter.  over thirty famblies entered! woo-hoo! mom and dad helped with typing the names, printing the names, and then cutting up the paper into strips with each fambly’s name on a strip. then daddy folded the names, and put them into one of our crunchies bowls. we gave the bowl of names a good sniff.

Bambinos Select Names

panda bear oversaw the selection of the winner for the coventry cats shopping spree. ahem, and now, the winner of the coventry cats shopping spree is: kilroy the love beastie!!!

Panda Eats Kilroy

hoo-ray!! congrats!! (ewww… panda bear ran off and ate the strip of paper with kilroy’s name on it.)

next, padre oversaw the selection of the winner of the donation to a U.S. animal shelter or animal rescue group of their choosing. and the winner is: kellie the orange cat!!!

Padre Selects Kellie

we will be in touch to work out the details!! yay!!

Padre On Car

party on, dudes!!

Pand Bear in Funny Glasses

pee ess: as chance reminded efurryone in the comments, remember to nip and drive responsibly!

Meerkat On Car

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Happy Gotcha Day to Us! Wed, 22 Oct 2008 12:25:27 +0000 Hi Efurryone!!!  ::: waves paws excitedly :::

Today is the Anniversary of our Adoption Day!!!  You are never going to believe what we got as a present…

Mom and Dad gave us a CAR!!!

Panda Bear on Car

We Furry Bambinos have been here in our furrever home for exactly one year!!!  We are so happy to be here, that we decided a great way to celebrate would be to have a CONTEST and a PAR-TAY!

The CONTEST will be two drawings for prizes.  One prize will be an all-expenses paid shopping spree to Coventry Cats.  Panda Bear will do the shopping, based on your personal preferences.  Shopping spree amount to be determined, based approximately on the number of entrants, like $1 per entrant.

The other prize will be a donation to a U.S. shelter or rescue group of your choosing.  Amount of donation to be determined, based approximately on the number of entrants, like $1 per entrant.  The drawings will be on Wednesday, October 22 at 9:30 pm EDT.  Leave a note in the comments if you want to enter. Deadline to enter is 6:00 pm EDT tonight, Wednesday, October 22.

PAR-TAY starts at 9:00 am EDT, and lasts until the last kitty goes home.  All are welcome!  There will be toys and games!

Bambinos and Wand

There will be lots of food, and naps, and nip!

Meerkat Nip Sardine

Stop by for our party!  Enter our contest!  Take our car for a spin!

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Sign up for Furry Bambino Contest Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:02:51 +0000 In honor Derby’s Birthday today, in the bootyfull month of Tocktober, here are some ‘tocks photos to enjoy!  Happy Birthday Derby!  Hope you have a great day!

This is a photo of Meerkat’s ‘tocks captured by the pawparazzi:

Meerkats Tocks

And these are Padre’s ‘tocks:

Padres Tocks

In other news, it’s not too late to sign up for the Furry Bambino Contest!

One of the prizes will be a shopping spree to Coventry Cats.  I am going to go to Coventry Cats with Mom and Dad, and I will be your personal shopper.

The other prize will be a donation to a U.S. shelter or rescue group of your choosing.  Mom says that it has be a legitimate shelter, not something called “Padre’s Nip Rescue Fund” or “Meerkat’s Shelter for Wayward Toys”.

Just leave a comment that you want to enter, before Wednesday October 22 at 6:00 pm EDT.  (Stoopid new version of WordPress won’t let comments automatically show up anymore.  Even when you set it to do just that. At Microsoft, they would call that a “feature”.  Feh!  So that means after you submit your comment, we will approve it so it shows up.)

To celebrate our first anniversary of living here in our Furrever Home, there will also be a PAR-TAY at Casa Bambino on Wednesday, October 22!  We will be sure to have lots of fun things to do, like swinging from the chandelier or living room curtains, good food to eat, and great friends to see!

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Furry Bambino Contest Sat, 11 Oct 2008 15:57:15 +0000 We Furry Bambinos are very grateful for the wonderful furrever home we have here. On October 22, it will be our First Adoption Anniversary, often referred to as a “Gotchaversary”.

To help celebrate, we decided to hold a contest. During our party, Mom and Dad will select a winner by drawing names from a hat (or food bowl, you get the idea).

There will be two prizes!

One prize is a “shopping spree” at our favorite cat specialty store, Coventry Cats. You may remember when I went to Coventry Cats myself for their 20th birthday party. If possible (Mom and Dad have to agree to this) I will personally select your items by going to Coventry Cats! There is also a “Canine Corner” section for woofies. But the store mostly focuses on cat stuff.

The other prize will be a donation to a pet rescue shelter of your choice. Umm, the shelter must be a legitimate U.S. shelter or rescue group, not something called “Padre’s Catnip Rescue” or “Meerkat’s Toy Shelter”.

Rules: If you would like to participate, leave your name in the comments. You don’t have to have a blog to enter. Cats, woofies, buns, hamsters, other furries are eligible. One entry per household per contest. So, this means that you can sign up for either or both contests. Exact amount of shopping spree and donation to be determined. Maybe based on the number of contestants, like $1 spree per entrant. It’s our contest and we can change the rules if we want to.

Drawing will be made on Wednesday, October 22, 2008, at about 9:30 pm EDT, which is approximately when we got to our furrever home last year.

In other news, tomorrow is Mom and Dad’s anniversary. I hope that they don’t get all mushy and kissy, and expect us to give them kissies. Yuk!

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