Critters – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:05:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Birthday is on Earth Day Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:59:50 +0000 Greetings efurryone! Welcome to Casa Furry Bambino for my birthday party! Make yourselves at home!

We have stinky goodness, crunchies, and beverages! Panda Bear has graciously offered to serve as bartender! (ID required for adult kitty beverages, please!) Of course, there will be lots of nip! I am so delighted that you could come to my party!

Mom planted cat grass for us a few weeks ago, so feel free to nom nom nom!

In honor of Earth Day, Mom is going to dig in the dirt outside. She says we can help! It is Spring here in northeast O-Hi-O, and the weather is supposed to be sunny and mild!

Great napping weather! (Isn’t it always great napping weather if you’re a cat?)

Lots of interesting things to sniff in the back yard! Plus bird and squirrel watching!

Feel free to play Thundering Herds of Elephants! We have two sets of stairs – one to the basement, and one to upstairs. By the way, the powder room is in the basement.

If any of you choose to party into the evening, join us in the basement for Mouse Patrol! We will gather on the ledge at the top of the basement stairs at 8:55 pm EDT. Remember to keep your voices down, as we want to sneak up on the mousies!

Also today, my sister Cookie will be competing in Kitty Fight Club at The World According to Misha!

Photo: from Misha’s blog

Kitty Fight Club is a contest that pits two adorabubble kittens against each other for the title of cutest kitten! Cookie is nervous that she won’t get any votes at all!

Please vote for Cookie on Misha’s blog!

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Ice, Ice, Babee Sun, 10 Jan 2010 12:03:10 +0000 Greetings!  Well, it is January, and here in northeast O-Hi-o, that means two things.

1.  Cold.

2.  Snow.

So, here at Casa Furry Bambino, that means two other things.

a)  I, Panda Bear, try to get outside to frolic in the snow.

b)  Mom and Dad try to keep me from getting outside and frolicking in the snow.

In order to get outside to frolic in the snow, I attempt to seize every opportunity I can.  This involves pretending to be all “Hi Welcome Home from Wherever You People Go Now Outta My Way I Want Out The Front Door”.  This method results in success only rarely.  Mom and Dad are on to me.  They do this elaborate dance when they come in the front door that should qualify them to be on the next iteration of River Dance.

The other opportunity is once daily when Mom or Dad opens the back door to feed the squirrels and birdies.

By the way, we haven’t seen chipmunks in awhile.  Does anyone know, do chipmunks hibernate?  Do they have time shares in Florida?  Be right back.

OK, I asked my good friend Google who is a real know it all.  Chipmunks DO hibernate! But I digress.

As I was saying, so I get this great opportunity to make my move when Mom or Dad has the back door open to toss peanuts and seed to the outdoor critters.  Cookie thought about it today, too.

So tdoay, after several minutes of plotting, I made my move.

Woo-hoo!!!  Outside!  I’m Outside!!!

Yeah, so OK, the snow is cold on my feet.  But I’m Outside!!!

I had a great time digging in the snow!

I enjoyed the sights, smells, and textures while exploring this morning.  Check out these wicked cool icicles hanging from the roof and power lines.

But for some reason, Mom grabbed me and hauled me back inside when I walked past the door on my way to the back yard.

Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow!

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Mommy’s Birthday Bash! Wed, 03 Dec 2008 19:46:56 +0000 today is mommy’s birthday!  she stayed home from “work” today to enjoy our company!  hooray!  when she got up this morning, i chirped for her! then, mommy called gramma and grampa (her mommy and daddy). mommy always calls them at 9:31 am on her purrthday to wish them a happy mother’s day and happy father’s day.

daddy helped us shop for cards and gifts for mommy. today i will show you what we gived her.  in this picture, padre is sniffing our birthday cards and gifts.

panda bear is protecting mommy’s gifts and cards.  (well, i think he’s actually squishing them.)

i checked to make sure that daddy wrapped everything all good.

here i am with all the cards we gave to mommy.  starting on the left is my card to mommy, next to that is panda bear’s card, then padre’s card, then a special card sent from the rainbow bridge from mohawk and clyde, and the card on the right is from the outdoor critters that mommy feeds (mr. chipmunk, mr. mousie, the squirrel septuplets, mr. skunkie, lil’ opossum, and da birdies).

panda bear’s card looks just like him!  with one eye and a goatee!

i gave mommy sticky notes with my picture on them. well, not really my picture, but another kitty that looks just like me.

this is the magnet we gived mommy.  she put it on the cold box!

mommy liked this gift best of all – a great big hug!  (you can tell from my expression that i am just humoring her cause it’s her birfday.)

check out the great scarf that we gived to mommy!  it’s a cat blogosphere scarf!

mommy loves her scarf!

panda bear looks very stylish in mommy’s scarf, too.

now, some entertainment for mommy: a quick game of bitey!

daddy calls mommy ladybug (ewww) so he gave her this ladybug toy that moves all by itself.

panda bear decided to give the ladybug the bitey.

that’s all for now! off to nap to conserve energy for tonight’s activities: more bitey, and maybe a round of mouse patrol.  oh, and maybe we will sing to mommy.

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Wildlife Sanctuary at Casa Cabán Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:14:20 +0000 Here at Casa Cabán, Mom and Dad have what they call a “Wildlife Sanctuary” in the back yard. There are lots of animals to observe! Today, I thought I would introduce you to some of the animals we like to study.

Mom and Dad feed the birdies and squirrels. Mom and Dad put up this gate when they open the door to feed them. So, we get as close to the gate as we can. Here, we are on “Squirrel Patrol”.

Squirrel patrol!

Here is an opossum, AKA possum, on our back porch:

Our Pal Possum!

Mom thinks he’s cute. She says “he is one of God’s creatures after all”. We think he is kinda scary looking. And he’s bigger than us, so we’re keeping our distance.

Uh-oh!  Possum can smell that we

This is a squirrel watching me watch him:

The squirrell is spying on us!

This is a different squirrel taking a bath while standing on a fence post. Impressive balance!

Squirrel has to bathe, too!

These are butterflies in the back corner of the yard, where Mom and Dad planted daffodils:


I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Wildlife Sanctuary at Casa Cabán!

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Three Dumb Mice Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:34:20 +0000 Can you believe it? Last week The Furry Bambinos had the great fortune of getting to hunt three mousies in the same night!!

It all started after dinner. We could tell that there was a mousie in the basement, so we surrounded it, and I brought it upstairs to the fambly room where we like to play with them.

Panda Bear pins down the mouse!

We roughed the mousie up a little bit before Mom and Dad took the mousie away from us. They released it out the back door.

Within 5 minutes, Meerkat had caught a second mousie and ran upstairs from the basement at top speed. She took the mousie into the fambly room, where we proceeded to play with it. We roughed the second mousie up, too.

“Another mouse?” Dad exclaimed. “Do you think it’s the same one we just put outside? He looks kind of sluggish.”

“Who knows?” Mom answered. “Maybe we should start tagging them.”

Mom and Dad took the second mousie away from us, capturing it in the mousie catcher.

The mousie teasing Meerkat

They released it out the back door.

Then, the three of us Furry Bambinos headed to the basement where we surrounded the third mousie. This one took a little longer to ferret out from its hidey spot under one of the big white machines. I caught it, and all three of us raced back upstairs to the fambly room for the playing.

Panda Bear tags the mouse!

Mom and Dad took the third mousie away from us. This one was real easy for them to catch, because he wasn’t running very much. This time, they released it out the front door.

Mom and Dad were wondering if we had three dumb mice, or the same really really STUPID mousie.

The Furry Bambinos will never tell! 🙂

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more lenten mice Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:32:50 +0000 yesterday panda bear and i did not greet mommy and daddy when they got home from “work”.  usually all three of us furry bambinos meet mommy and daddy when they come in the front door, but not yesterday.

at first mommy was worried that something had happened to panda bear and me.  but then even with the lights off mommy could see that panda bear and i were on a mission.  (cue the mission impossible music)

mouse patrol, part deux!!

so daddy turned on the lights in the fambly room.  i had the mousie in my mouth.  next, i bunnykicked the mousie, threw the mousie across the room, and grabbed it again for more bunnykicking and throwing.  panda bear watched my technique closely.

i guess i was a little too rough with all the games i was playing with the mousie.  by the time mommy and daddy got home, the mousie was a little bit dead.  sorry mousie!

mommy spoke to gramma and grampa today on the talkie thingy.  she told them that millie’s mom is done making gramma’s quilt and will be mailing it soon.  mommy also told gramma and grampa the story about the mousie.  grampa said it was a case of “the mousie being at the wrong place at the wrong time”.

mommy and daddy feel very sorry for the mousie.  normally mommy and daddy catch the mousies and release them outdoors.  mommy refers to the mousies as “the lenten mice” because the mousies tend to come inside the house during lent.  probably because there is usually snow on the ground and they are looking for food.

now mommy and daddy are calling me “killer”.

Meerkat Lounging About

who, me?  (wide-eyed innocent look)  😀

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Squirrels! Sat, 27 Oct 2007 23:48:01 +0000 Apparently the lady human likes to give peace offerings to the outdoor animals. This morning, she set out peanuts, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. I was a bit puzzled when she started doing this, because I was hoping that she didn’t want me to eat that stuff. Luckily, she opened a can of stinky goodness for me.

When I got done eating, she let the hoodlums kittens out of the basement where they spent the night. The kittens and I are beginning to come to an understanding. I don’t like being ambushed, and I have been hinting that there WILL BE CONSEQUENCES if they don’t knock it off.

While the hoodlums kittens were eating, I ambled over to the big tall window and noticed that a squirrel had just showed up. I studied the squirrel intently, and then two more squirrels and a bunch of tasty looking tiny birds arrived as well. Mmm… birds…

Furry Bambinos on a squirrel hunt

Technically, according to my adoption papers, I am supposed to be an indoor only cat. I wonder if there would be any way to get the lady to start feeding the squirrels indoors…

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