Floofilicious – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland http://thefurrybambinos.com Sun, 09 Jan 2011 18:19:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Now I’m the Only DLH in the House http://thefurrybambinos.com/caramels-posts/now-im-the-only-dlh-in-the-house http://thefurrybambinos.com/caramels-posts/now-im-the-only-dlh-in-the-house#comments Sun, 09 Jan 2011 17:58:10 +0000 http://thefurrybambinos.com/?p=1482 Hi Effurryone! It’s me, Caramel, AKA Miss Floofs, AKA Floofs, AKA Floofie. From my nicknames, you can probably guess that I am a long haired kitteh. I am the only DLH (domestic long haired) Furry Bambino. I have long, soft, luxurious black, brown, or gold furs. I have long toehawks between my paw pads.

The furs on my chest and tummy are a little bit curly.

Even my whiskers are extra long.

Panda Bear wrote a song about me and my Floof to celebrate my first birthday.

Padre, Meerkat, and Cookie have striped, soft, short to medium length furs. Panda Bear has short, straight, coarse furs that are either black or white. Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie are referred to as DSH (domestic short haired) kittehs.

Daddy has always been a short-hair, with dark brown head furs.

As long as I have known Mommy, she has been long-haired, like me.

When she came back yesterday afternoon, I almost didn’t recognize her. Not only did she smell weird, but she looked like this:

I was a little bit sad that Mommy does not have long hair like me anymore. But then Mommy explained that she donated her hair to Locks of Love. I had not heard of Locks of Love before, so I asked my good friend Google about it. I read on the Locks of Love home page:

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

Wow! So I asked Mommy if I could donate my long hairs to Locks of Love too. She explained that children want people head furs, not cat furs on their heads, and that some children might be allergic to cat furs. I guess I get to keep my long furs then.

http://thefurrybambinos.com/caramels-posts/now-im-the-only-dlh-in-the-house/feed 11
Super Floof http://thefurrybambinos.com/cat-blogosphere/super-floof http://thefurrybambinos.com/cat-blogosphere/super-floof#comments Thu, 04 Mar 2010 13:33:41 +0000 http://thefurrybambinos.com/?p=996 She’s a very floofy girl
She likes to sleep on top of Mother

She hates it when I pin her down
And bite her on the neck, Meow girl!

She likes the boys in the house
She says that I’m her all-time favorite

She makes me chase her through the house in the nighttime
She really is a tease

That girl is pretty wild now
That girl’s a super floof

The kind of girl you read about
In the kitteh blogosphere
That girl is pretty floofy

That girl’s a super floof
I really love to sniff her

Every time we meet
She’s all right, she’s all right
That girl’s all right with me, Yeah!

She’s a Super Floof, Super Floof
She’s super-floofy, Meow!

Everybody sing
Super Floof! Super Floof!

She’s a very special girl (The kind of girl you want to know)
From her head down to her toehawks (Down to her feet, Yeah!)

And she’ll wait for me with Meerkat and with Cookie
For breakfast every day (Padre is the picky one)
“Feed me stinky goodness”, she says (Feed me now, feed me now!)
“On the cat perch, I’ll be waiting”

When I get there she’s got Fancy Feast and catnip
It’s such a freaky scene

That girl is pretty floofy
The girl’s a Super Floof

The kind of girl you read about
In the kitteh blogosphere
That girl is pretty wild now
That girl’s a Super Floof
I really love to sniff her

Every time we meet
She’s all right, she’s all right
That girl’s all right with me, Yeah!

She’s a Super Floof, Super Floof
She’s super-floofy, Meow!
Temptation treats!

Super Floof, Super Floof
That girl’s a Super Floof

She’s a very floofy girl
She likes to sleep on top of Mother

She hates it when I pin her down
And bite her on the neck, Meow girl!

Super Floof, Super Floof,
She’s super floofy, Meow!

Happy Birthday Caramel !!!

In case you want to listen to the original song by Rick James, here it is:


* * * * *

Caramel and Cookie say: “Thank you so much for attending our Coming-Out Party! We enjoyed meeting all of you! Mom is happy to make a nice donation to the Humane Society thanks to all of your comments!  You can continue to comment on any and all of our birthday blog posts through next Wednesday to be included in the count toward the donation. We will be thanking each of you purrsonally over the next few days by visiting your blogs!”

Please leave us a comment to tell us you were here! In honor of The Girls’ birthday, Mom is going to donate $1 (US) to the Humane Society of the United States for each comment received on any of their birthday blog posts. All comments must be received by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.

In addition, one lucky winner will receive a Gift Certificate to The Animal Rescue Site store! To enter, leave us a comment on any of The Girls’ birthday posts! One chance per household will be entered. We will have one of us draw the name of the winner on Thursday, March 11, 2010, in the evening EST. All comments must be received by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.

Party On, Dudes! Stop by tomorrow to see what I gave Cookie for her Birthday Gift!

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Welcome to Our Coming-Out Party! http://thefurrybambinos.com/stinky-goodness/welcome-to-our-coming-out-party http://thefurrybambinos.com/stinky-goodness/welcome-to-our-coming-out-party#comments Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:51:10 +0000 http://thefurrybambinos.com/?p=1015 Greetings! Welcome to Casa Furry Bambino, for the Coming-Out Party for Cookie

and me, Caramel!

Today, we become Young Lady Cats, as we are now One Year Old! Today, I officially graduate from “Diva-in-Training” to “Diva”! I am so happy! Cookie is delighted to be a Young Lady Cat as well!

Please make yourselves at home! We have food and beverages (please drink responsibly),

nip (please use nip responsibly, unlike Panda Bear as shown here),


cozy napping spots,


fun and games,

friends and companionship!

We received some very lovely gifts from Mom and Dad, and we are happy to share with you!

Please leave us a comment to tell us you were here! In honor of our birthday, Mom is going to donate $1 (US) to the Humane Society of the United States for each comment received on any of our birthday blog posts. All comments must be received by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.

In addition, one lucky winner will receive a Gift Certificate to The Animal Rescue Site store! To enter, leave us a comment on any of our birthday posts! One chance per household will be entered. We will have one of us draw the name of the winner on Thursday, March 11, 2010, in the evening EST. All comments must be received by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.

Enjoy the Party, Efurryone! Stop by tomorrow to see what Panda Bear gave Cookie and me as Birthday Gifts!

http://thefurrybambinos.com/stinky-goodness/welcome-to-our-coming-out-party/feed 30
The Apostles Killed a Mouse! And Other News http://thefurrybambinos.com/num-nums-for-tum-tums/the-apostles-killed-a-mouse-and-other-news http://thefurrybambinos.com/num-nums-for-tum-tums/the-apostles-killed-a-mouse-and-other-news#comments Mon, 14 Dec 2009 11:02:15 +0000 http://thefurrybambinos.com/?p=914 Greetings, furries!  It’s me, Caramel, Lady Floofilicious here!  I have an update of what has been going on here at Casa Furry Bambino.  We are going to try to get caught up reading your blogs and commenting over the next few weeks.  We really miss all of you!

It has been awhile since we last posted, so here is a summary.  But first, a recent photo of me.  Look at the toe-hawks on my back paws!  Cookie and I are 9 months old now, so my floof is really growing in!

Awhile ago, Mommy was sick as a pig.  A lot of people where she works were sick at that time.  Mommy said that the worst part of pig flu was that it made her really really tired.  On the plus side, I was able to score lots of extra naps with Mommy!

Regular readers of our blog know that Mommy and Daddy volunteer with an animal rescue group called PAWS.  On November 15, The Apostles went to a PAWS adoption event held at PetSmart.  They did not get adopted that day though.

There were lots of cute kitties, including these sweeties, Faith (grey), Hope, Love, and Charity.  Hope, Love, and Charity are all sisters, and Faith is a female from another litter.  Faith and Charity got adopted that day.

As you may know, PetSmart does not mind if you want to go to pick out your food and treats yourself.  Usually, we trust Mommy and Daddy to do that for us.  That day, a pet skunk decided to come to PetSmart to check out the food selections.

In other news, we got to have Real Live Fresh Dead TURKEY on Thanksgiving!

Padre is very fond of Real Live Fresh Dead Turkey.

Cookie and I are also very fond of Real Live Fresh Dead Turkey.  I like it even more than Cookie does.

Meerkat doesn’t really like it.  You can tell by the expression on her face.

Neither does Panda Bear.

Mom thinks that maybe the eye infections that Meerkat and Panda Bear had as kittens affected their sense of smell or taste, since the rest of us nom nom nommed.  As for The Apostles, Matthew, Mark, and Luke liked the RLFDT, but Joann did not.  The Apostles were at boarding school (PetSmart), but came home for Thanksgiving break.

The day after Thanksgiving was a very busy day.  The Apostles went back to boarding school.  Here they are in their dorm room.

Then Padre, Cookie, and I were taken to the V-E-T!  Cookie WILLINGLY climbed into the PTU that was intended for Padre.  And then she refused to come out.  So Mom shoved Padre into the PTU intended for Cookie and me.

That left no PTU for me, as Mom did not want to put me into Padre’s PTU, and the PTU Cookie was in was too small for Cookie and me.  I was thinking that I might have played my cards extremely well, but no such luck.  Mom grabbed me and held me in her lap on the ride to the V-E-T.

When we got there, Mom walked up to the desk to check in, and the girl behind the desk was very complimentary to me!  She said that I was Beautiful!  She asked Mom if she could hold me, and Mom let her.  The girl was very nice to me.  She said that she needed to show me to the Office Manager, or she would get into trouble for not showing her a really cute cat.  So the girl took me back to a very nice lady who held me and cuddled me.  She said that my furs are very soft!  And that the way I let her hold me made her think that I might be part rag doll kitty.  At last, proper treatment for a floofilicious cat like myself!  I was beginning to think the whole V-E-T business was not so bad.

However, Padre was absolutely miserable.  He tried to hide in the back of the PTU.

Cookie explored the exam room, giving it a thorough sniffing, and reported back to Padre and me.

Padre, Cookie, and I each got weighed.  Padre currently weighs 13.0 pounds, Cookie weighs 10.2 pounds, and I weigh 9.2 pounds.

But then!  Oh, the horrors!  Mom asked them to trim my pretty furs!  (Something about litter box issues on a long-haired kitty.)  So they took me to the back and gave me a buzz cut on my derriere.  Oh, the shame.  I am so embarrassed, I can’t believe I am even admitting this to all of you.

Later that same day (Friday, November 27), Luke and Matthew got adopted into two separate families!  And someone else applied to adopt Joann and (possibly) Mark.  I guess because it was “Black Friday” it was a good day to adopt black kittens!

As it eventually turned out, Mark was not adopted by the family that adopted Joann.  Joann went to her furrever home on Sunday November 29.  Luke’s new family calls him “Shadow”.  Matthew’s new family calls him “Neo”.  And Joann’s new name is “Inky”.  But Mark is still Mark.  Or Marko.  Or Marko Polo.  And he still lives with us.  But now he is allowed to mingle with the rest of us instead of having to stay in the foster room.

So Dad cleaned out the foster room.  He removed the food dishes, litter boxes, and toys.  Dad took out the rug-sucking monster, and ran it over the whole room.  While Dad was cleaning, he came across this:

A dead mouse.  Apparently, The Apostles are good mousers!

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