Gramma’s Quilt – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Sun, 11 May 2008 18:21:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Happy Mother’s Day! Sun, 11 May 2008 17:01:11 +0000 On behalf of The Furry Bambinos, I want to wish all of our Mommies and GrandMommies a wonderful day! Be sure to give your Human Mom lots of love today!

In honor of Mother’s Day, we thought we would post about our Mommy’s Mommy, AKA “Gramma”. This is a picture of Gramma sitting on her Quilt! This is the Quilt that Millie’s Mom made!

Gramma on Her Quilt

Isn’t this a cute picture? Doesn’t Gramma look adorable on her Quilt? Isn’t the Quilt that Millie’s Mom made bee-yoo-tifull? See this next photo for a close-up view:

Close-up of Gramma

Happy Mother’s Day, Gramma!

In other news, we each gave Mommy a Mother’s Day Card. And Daddy made cinnamon rolls with sticky icing for breakfast! We plan on spending the day snuggling with Mommy as much as possible!

Happy Mother’s Day Efurryone! Have a wonderful day!

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Gramma LOVES her Quilt! Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:12:06 +0000 Mommy talked to Gramma and Grampa on the talkie thingy last night. Gramma and Grampa said that Gramma’s Quilt had arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon. If you read Darling Millie’s blog, then you would have seen the quilt in progress while Millie’s Mom Lynne made it.

“The quilt is GORGEOUS!” is how Gramma described it. Grampa also said that the quilt is really beautiful.

“EXQUISITE!” is the other big word that Gramma used to describe her quilt.

Mommy says that means that Gramma is very happy. “Exquisite” is Gramma’s highest complment. 🙂 We are glad that she is happy with her quilt.

Thanks, “Mom Lynne”!!!

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