Humans are Weird – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Sun, 31 Oct 2010 13:24:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 happy halloween! Sun, 31 Oct 2010 13:24:42 +0000

well, they made us to dress up in dumb costumes again this year.

and then they took photos!

lot of photos.

like this one of Padre dressed as a cowboy.

caramel really got screwed and had to wear three pieces to her costume.  heh.  serves that little floofy princess right.

cookie really protested about getting her photo taken, so she fled to the basement, still wearing her costume.

i am not sure what she was dressed as, other than an unhappy cat.

panda bear had to wear a pirate’s hat.  the dork really seemed to enjoy it, playing up on his one eye and all.

:: smugly ::   i got to wear a she-devil costume.

then, they turned the photos into a halloween card, and sent it to all their friends.

when mommy’s friend Dorothy got the card, she told Mommy:

I am surprised that by the look on Meerkat’s face, you and David were not turned into pillars of salt!

heh.  just the look i was going for.

if you would like your very own copy of the card, send us your snail mail address.  our email address is TheFurryBambinos AT gmail DOT com.   you can use our contact page if you want.

we can even send the card overseas too!

Happy Halloween, Efurrybody!

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are your parents like this? Fri, 09 Apr 2010 04:16:25 +0000 hey efurryone!  did you ever notice how lame our humans can be sometimes?  like how much they state the obvious?

here’s an example.  mom came up to me this morning and said “Meerkat!”

like, duh.

“Little girl!”  said dad.  um, yeah, i am a female feline.  and yes, i am petite.  sigh.

there is actually a great cartoon that summarizes this for all of us kittehs. (be sure to hover your mouse over the cartoon for additional commentary by the author.)


Cat Proximity xkcd cartoon

unfortunately, mom saw this cartoon.  then she showed it to dad.

instead of taking the hint, and speaking to us like the intelligent beings that we are, now mom and dad are walking up to us kittehs, and saying (you guessed it):

“You’re a kitty!”


do your humans also have this vocabulary problem when near you?

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Our bloggy is broke! Tue, 01 Jul 2008 18:15:01 +0000 Panda Bear reporting …

Something happened to our blog!  Mommy noticed it this morning and was a little worried. 

Daddy is our tech dude, so he took a look at it closer and found that something was all broke.  So Daddy worked his magic … and really @$&#ed it up good! 

Now all our pictures are gone and we are sad.  I’m going to bite Daddy when he gets home because he did something he shouldn’t have —  I know it!  I know it!  I know it! 

He promises to get all our pictures back in place as soon as he can.  He better!  We will all gang up on Daddy tonight and give him the bitey! 

Daddy told me he has to “back up” more often so this doesn’t happen in the future.  Why does Daddy need to back up?  Why doesn’t he just go forward?  Beans are weird. 

Gotta sharpen my teeth for the bitey party tonight! 

Panda Bear out.

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a very special present Mon, 24 Mar 2008 20:06:51 +0000 on friday, mommy packed the rectangular box with zippers (that we like to use as a scratching post) and put it into the room that moves. mommy gave us lots of love shnugglies and darn near sucked all the fur off our heads giving us “kisses” (blech!) and “hugs”.

and then she left us all alone!

well, daddy did show up after awhile. but no mommy!

so we spent the weekend just with daddy. it was fun, but we still missed mommy.

luckily, mommy came home yesterday afternoon. she started in with the hugs and kisses all over again!

mommy explained that she was helping aunt patty shop for a special dress. mommy said that patty’s boyfriend chris loves aunt patty very much, and to show his love for her, he gave her a very special present.

he gave her a rock.

i just don’t get humans sometimes. why would a rock be a sign of love? some primo catnip, now that’s a sign of true love. but a rock?

mommy said that aunt patty’s rock is very pretty. and that they had a fun time shopping for the dress. they found a beautiful dress.

oh, and another thing. that when chris gave aunt patty the rock, that means that he isn’t her boyfriend anymore. now he’s called her “fee-yawn-say”. didn’t i tell you that humans are weird?

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