Miss Deb – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland http://thefurrybambinos.com Mon, 21 Jul 2008 09:43:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris Got Married!!! http://thefurrybambinos.com/padres-posts/aunt-patty-and-uncle-chris-got-married http://thefurrybambinos.com/padres-posts/aunt-patty-and-uncle-chris-got-married#comments Mon, 21 Jul 2008 09:43:01 +0000 http://thefurrybambinos.com/?p=496 This week, The Furry Bambinos will take turns reporting on some exciting events happening in our fambly. We will cover Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris’s wedding, as well as introduce you to some new furry members of our fambly.

Mommy’s fambly lives in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanicat vicinity, so Aunt Patty’s wedding was held there. The bad news is that Mommy and Daddy had to leave us all alone while they were away. The good news is that Miss Deb, our favorite taker-carer visited and took great care of us!

Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris came to visit us in December, so we got to meet them personally! Both Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris are animal lovers, so we enjoyed their visit very much!

Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris’s wedding was on Friday, so there was a practice on Thursday. This is a picture of Mommy from the practice. Mommy had a funny title: Matron of Honor.

Mommy practices walking

This is a picture of Aunt Patty and Mommy pantomiming in the Church. You can see the priest (or padre, as I always say), Uncle Chris, and Peter, the Best Man (another funny title). Peter is Uncle Chris’s brother. Peter likes cats too!

Mommy pretends to hand something to Aunt Patty

This is a picture of Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris pretending to be just married. They are not really married yet in this picture. The trick to knowing this is that they are not all super dressed up in their fancy wedding clothes.

More rehearsing for Aunt Pattys wedding

After the practice at the Church, there was a “practice dinner” at a restaurant. I guess they must have needed practice eating, because there was going to be formal eating after the wedding on Friday.

There was a problem with the practice dinner. The original restaurant where the dinner was supposed to be held went out of business two days before the practice dinner. So Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris said lots of words on our bad words list. Then they found another place to hold the dinner instead, and it was even nicer! The new restaurant was on top of a mountain, so there was a great view! This is a picture of the view from inside the practice dinner restaurant. That is downtown Pittsburgh in the background.

View from Georgetowne Inn on Mt Washington

And this is a picture of the view from the overlook next to the restaurant:

Pittsburgh at night

OK, that’s all for now! Meerkat will tell you more next time!

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