Mother’s Day – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Sat, 07 May 2011 17:13:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Happy The Lady Mommy’s Day Sat, 07 May 2011 17:15:30 +0000 Hi efurryone! My name is Sky. Sky Bambino.

I was trapped by The Lady and The Man on September 18, 2010.

At the time, I thought it was the worst day of my life.

Now, I realize it was the best day of my life.

Over time, I began to trust The Lady and The Man. They fed us baby food on their fingers.

They took good care of me and my sister and brothers. They even took good care of my biological Mama.

Sudden movements and loud sounds still make me nervous. But today I am writing about how much I secretly love The Lady. She gives me treats, like lunch meat, Temptations, and milk from her cereal dish.

She’s says it’s OK to call her Mommy.

I’m not quite ready to call her Mommy yet, so I will call her The Lady Mommy.

Happy The Lady Mommy’s Day to your The Lady Mommies too!

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Happy Mother’s Day! Sun, 11 May 2008 17:01:11 +0000 On behalf of The Furry Bambinos, I want to wish all of our Mommies and GrandMommies a wonderful day! Be sure to give your Human Mom lots of love today!

In honor of Mother’s Day, we thought we would post about our Mommy’s Mommy, AKA “Gramma”. This is a picture of Gramma sitting on her Quilt! This is the Quilt that Millie’s Mom made!

Gramma on Her Quilt

Isn’t this a cute picture? Doesn’t Gramma look adorable on her Quilt? Isn’t the Quilt that Millie’s Mom made bee-yoo-tifull? See this next photo for a close-up view:

Close-up of Gramma

Happy Mother’s Day, Gramma!

In other news, we each gave Mommy a Mother’s Day Card. And Daddy made cinnamon rolls with sticky icing for breakfast! We plan on spending the day snuggling with Mommy as much as possible!

Happy Mother’s Day Efurryone! Have a wonderful day!

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