Padre’s Posts – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Mon, 22 Oct 2012 12:39:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bambinoversary #5 Mon, 22 Oct 2012 12:39:26 +0000 Greetings Furriends!

It’s Me, Padre, Elder StatesCat of The Furry Bambinos!

Five years ago today, Mom and Dad adopted me (Padre), and siblings Panda Bear and Meerkat from this great place!

All three of us are Rescues!  We were rescued by the Northeast Ohio animal rescue group PAWS (Public Animal Rescue Society).  We are very grateful to have a safe, loving, and forever home now! Special Thanks to Diana (my Foster Mom), and Eileen (Panda Bear and Meerkat’s Foster Mom)!

This is me on Adoption Day, sniffing the couch:

This is Meerkat on Adoption Day, sniffing the bed:

This is Panda Bear, sniffing a glass of water, on October 23, 2007:

This is all three of us together, at dinner time, on October 27, 2007:



Pee. Ess.  I would appreciate if you could spare a few purrs for me. On Saturday I got shoved into the PTU and hauled off to the Emergency V-E-T. (All because of a little tocks problem.) I am home now, and being kept separated from the other Furry Bambinos. I am lonely, and have been yodeling my displeasure. I may need to visit the regular V-E-T today.

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Padre’s Earth Day Birthday 2012 Sun, 22 Apr 2012 17:11:34 +0000 Greetings Furriends! Today is Earth Day, and today is also my Birth Day! Actually, we don’t really know what day, or even what year I was born. So Mom picked April 22, 2003 as my approximate date of birth.

So that means I am 9 years old today!

To celebrate, Mom ordered us some primo Valerian Root. Thanks to the Katnip Lounge kittehs for the recommendation! Panda Bear and Cookie were the first Bambinos on the scene when Mom opened the box.

Mom thought we would like the Valerian Root because she heard that Valerian Root smells like “stinky feet”. And, ahem, a few of us Bambinos are connoisseurs of The Stinky Foot Smell.

Caramel (aka Ms. Floooooofs) also really enjoys a good whiff of Mommy’s Old Stinky Slippers. Floofs’ toehawks are visible in this photo.

Meerkat took one whiff of the Valerian Root, and look what happened:

The same thing happened when Sunny took one whiff:

And Sky got Sky High after rolling in the Valerian Root that Mom sprinkled on the carpet.

When I sniffed the Valerian Root, I was not impressed. Mom, you woke me up for this?

You woke me up for this?

Then Sunny and Panda Bear really became feisty after a few more whiffs of the Root.

They settled their differences in true ManCat style.

Mom and Dad made up for the lousy birthday present by giving me some REAL Food for Breakfast today. They opened a can of Albacore Tuna and gave me lots of tuna and tuna juice!

All right, I shared the tuna with the rest of the Bambinos. Sky also really loved the Albacore Tuna!

You are most welcome to teleport over here to try out the Valerian Root for yourself! If you don’t like the Root either, we also have some Primo Nip! Oh, and Mom’s Stinky Slippers, too.


Padre, aka Earth Day Birthday Boy

Pee. Ess. We haven’t been blogging much these past few months for a variety of lame excuses. Late last year, Mom’s compooter started slowing down to the point of the ridiculous. So she uninstalled some software which kept it limping along for a few more months. Finally, it was so bad that she broke down and bought a new compooter. And you know what that means kittehs – it takes humans FOREVER to set up their new compooter and install all the software and files needed for blogging. We hope that Mom is now back in proper blogging form. We have really missed you and can’t wait to start getting caught up reading all your bloggies!

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Remembering Cuzzin Bruiser Sun, 19 Feb 2012 15:12:45 +0000 Reverend Padre here. We have very sad news to repurrt. Our Woofie Cuzin Bruiser had to be helped to the Rainbow Bridge on Monday, February 6. He was approximately 11 years old.

Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris first met Bruiser about 5 years ago. Bruiser had been found running around the streets of South Side in Pittsburgh. He was picked up as a stray and turned in to Animal Rescue League, a shelter in Pittsburgh. As a beagle / basset mix, Bruiser probably followed his nose and wandered off from his former home.

Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris volunteered at that animal shelter. They helped by walking dogs and taking them on day trips to give them some cage breaks and fresh air. Bruiser was one of the dogs they walked.

When Bruiser got adopted by a very nice lady, Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris were happy for Bruiser, but they also missed him. They kept in touch with his adopter. In June 2008 Bruiser’s adopter had to be hospitalized and was in declining health, so Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris took over as his adopters.

As you may remember, Mom and Dad helped Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris when they moved to Meowssouri in July 2008. If you want to read about that Adventure, see Mom and Dad’s blog that they never post to anymore.

Bruiser lived the good life, filled with cuddles and long walkies, trips to see fambly, and lots and lots of love.

Bruiser’s health had been declining in recent months. He had many trips to the V-E-T, and lots of medications to take.

Bruiser was helped to The Bridge on Monday, February 6. He was laid to rest in the woods behind Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris’ house in Meowssouri.

This is a short film to honor our Dear Sweet Woofie Cuzzin Bruiser. May he rest in peace.


If the video does not play, click here to watch it on our YouTube channel.

Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris and our Cuzzins Rainbow, Muse, Cinnamon, and Toast are all very sad right now. We would appreciate it if you could keep them in your purrs, woos, and purrayers.

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Unsolved Mystery: How Hard is it to Choose The Right Flavor? Fri, 20 Jan 2012 13:02:25 +0000 Greetings, Furriends! Today, we are purrticipating in the CB “Unsolved Cat and Dog Mysteries”. Thanks to the Zoolatry Girls for creating this event and these great badges!

Padre here. Or as Mom and Dad call me, “The Fuss A$$”.

Today’s Unsolved Mystery at Casa de Furry Bambinos is “How Hard is it to Choose The Right Flavor?”. Despite having lots of Stinky Goodness to choose from:

Somehow The Person Who is Using their Opposable Thumbs to Open the Cans (i.e., Mom or Dad) rarely selects The Right Flavor. Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

When they choose The Wrong Flavor, I give them the Back of Disrespect. I refuse to eat the rubbish they serve.

But! But! Once, a few months ago, When The Heavens Were Aligned, Mom managed to select The Right Flavor.

I ate all the Stinky Goodness in my dish.

Sunny, who is accustomed to getting my leftovers, was distressed at the lack of Leftover Stinky Goodness in the dish.

Then, I moved onto Cookie’s dish for seconds.

Since then, I have refused to eat this flavor on more than one occasion. It just wasn’t The Right Day to eat that flavor.

Gotta keep ’em guessing, kittehs.

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Bambinoversary #4 Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:03:19 +0000 Hello Furriends! Today is a Very Special Day. Four years ago today, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and I (Padre) were ADOPTED!!

We are so grateful to have loving parents, safe and warm and dry shelter, food, water, treats, and Furriends like you!

Also, in honor of Derby’s birthday this past Thursday, here are some Tocks shots for your viewing pleasure.

Cooke and Sky weren’t open to showing their Tocks yet, so they just turned their heads.  Do you see Panda Bear?

Cookie finally showed off her tocks by doing a full 180.

Sunny has been alerted here, and the rest of us are getting into the viewing.  If you couldn’t find Panda Bear before, now you can see him.

Sky wanted to get closer to the action so he gave Panda Bear full control of the top of the perch.

Meerkat rearranged herself to get a better view.

Finally, a nice shot of all our tocks, although now Sky is trying to shield Caramel’s from the camera!

Can you guess what had our attention?

Time to get our party started! Teleport on over!

Happy Tocktober Birthday, Derby!

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Mo Cats Day 2011 Sat, 10 Sep 2011 02:46:14 +0000 Back in 2009, someone (!) said there were “too many cats on the internet”!  Egads!  There is no such thing as too many cats!

So The Cat Blogosphere came together to change NO CATS DAY to MO CATS DAY and decided to celebrate every 09/09.

At present, there are 14 felines in the house.  You read that right kittehs, one-four, quatorze, catorce, XIV.  As you may know, there are 7 of us Furry Bambinos:

Padre (that’s me)

Panda Bear






And we presently have 7 foster kittens staying here at Furry Bambino Foster Academy.

Jett (with sister Joan watching)







Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, and Marta’s Mom Liesl is being fostered at our sister academy:

And, we have two outdoor feral kittehs who show up for dinner just about daily:


Daddy.  (We STRONGLY suspect that Daddy is Sunny and Sky’s biological father. Mom and Dad trapped him this summer and he got his hoohaectomy.)

And then there are all the fosters who have graduated from The Furry Bambino Foster Academy in the past year, since Mo Cats Day 2010!  I don’t know if I can count that high … it’s about elebenty squillion.


This is Marigold, now called Mia by her adoptive family.


Woody (adopted with Rusty)

Hunter (just look at those toes!)



Lilia (renamed Karen), adopted with Vitaly

Vitaly (renamed Jack), adopted with Lilia

Nadia, adopted with Bart

Bart, adopted with Nadia

Joan (renamed Lursa), adopted with Braveheart

Braveheart (renamed B’Etor), adopted with Joan

Friedrich (renamed Furball)

Gretl (renamed Teeka)

And last but not least, Ones Who Came Before: Clyde

… and Mohawk, AKA “Mo”, the Mo-iest Mo Cat of all!

Happy Mo Cats Day, everykitteh! Purrs!

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Meet The Gymnasts! Sat, 30 Apr 2011 13:56:07 +0000 Greetings, furriends! Thank you all so very much for your birthday wishes, and for visiting in our Open House of the Furry Bambino Foster Academy! It was lovely getting to visit with all of you. We are planning to catch up reading and commenting this weekend.

As Headmaster of Furry Bambino Foster Academy (FBFA), it is my pleasure to introduce our first SQUEE-worthy class of Kitten Season 2011! Here, they are practicing their Itteh Bitteh Kitteh Nap Pile Committeh! Clockwise, from top: Nadia (grey tabby female), Lilia (Lynx Seal-point Siamese female), Bart (house panther), and Vitaly (Lynx Chocolate-point Siamese male).

The Gymnasts joined us here at the Academy on Wednesday, April 13. Guidance Counselor Panda Bear welcomed the bebbehs to FBFA.

They were eager to get out of the PTU and check out their dorm room!

We estimate that they were six weeks old at that time, so they are about 8 weeks old now. They had been found in a box on a porch in Cleveland. They are all in relatively good health. Three of the four have umbilical hernias which will be repaired when they have their ladygardenectomy or hoohaectomy surgery.

Lilia …

and Vitaly …

have already been “pre-adopted”. PAWS (the rescue organization with which FBFA is affiliated) has a very firm rule that all animals must have had their ladygardenectomy or hoohaectomy before they can go to their Furrever Home. Lilia and Vitaly are scheduled for their surgeries next Tuesday, May 3.

Nadia (grey kitteh with pretty grey stripes) and Bart (house panther kitteh) …

are scheduled for May 20. Bart has a slight heart murmur, and the V-E-T wanted to give him some more time hoping that he would outgrow it.

In case you were wondering why Mom named the kittens for famous gymnasts, see the following series of photos. Bart begins his climb with a flying leap to Mom’s knee, then shimmies up her leg, digging in his claws for traction.

Next, Bart is seen clinging to Mom’s hip before he begins his final climb to the top.

Bart on Mom’s back – climbing Mount Ve-Sue-vius.

Bart is pleased with himself for reaching the peak – Mom’s shoulder.

(Mom trims the bebbehs nails every few days because they grow back pretty fast.)

Mom is taking Nadia and Bart to an adoption event at our local PetSmart today. Hopefully, they will get “pre-adopted” too!

P.S. Bonus points if you KNOW the last names of the famous gymnasts for whom these bebbehs were named.

P.P.S. Double bonus points if you can SPELL the last names correctly!  🙂

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Announcing … Furry Bambino Foster Academy! Fri, 22 Apr 2011 04:03:55 +0000 Greetings, furriends! Padre here, Birthday Boy! Happy Earth Day to all of you!

First off, I want to purrsonally fank you all for your purrs and words of encouragement after my dental surgery a few weeks ago. My mouf has healed up nicely, and I have my crunchies back!

As Headmaster (and because it’s my Birthday), we thought that it would be apropos for me to welcome all of you to Open House at Furry Bambino Foster Academy! Please help yourself to food, treats, and beverages!

As regular readers know, Mom and Dad volunteer for a local animal rescue group, PAWS Ohio. PAWS does not have a traditional animal shelter. Instead, PAWS is a network of volunteers who foster kittehs and woofies in their own homes.

Mom and Dad started fostering kittehs for PAWS two Kitten Seasons ago. Their first attempt at fostering resulted in Cookie and Caramel joining our fambly! Heh heh. Their most recent “failed fosters” are Sunny and Sky. But I digress.

Click here to go to the Furry Bambino Foster Academy home page. From the FBFA home page, you can:

Take a virtual tour of our Campus!

See what Courses we offer!

See Yearbook Photos and read bios of Faculty and Staff!

See Yearbook Photos and read bios of FBFA Graduates!

School is now in session! Here is a sneak peek at our current students. Meet The Gymnasts: Nadia, Lilia, Bart, and Vitaly:

Please help yourself to the treats! We hope that you enjoy your visit to Furry Bambino Foster Academy!

May you have a Blessed Easter and/or Passover.

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Dear Toof Fairy … Sat, 02 Apr 2011 17:00:07 +0000 Hi kittehs!

It’s me, Padre.

You know, the handsome ManCat Furry Bambino.

On Fursday, I was shoved into my PTU and taken to the V-E-T.

Daddy tried to comfort me.

Then Daddy and Mommy left me at the V-E-T and went home wiffout me! Meerkat was looking for me out the front window.

Dr. Amy, the V-E-T, stoled 8 of my toofies. EIGHT. All at once. Mommy and Daddy told her it was OK.  Here’s the report on my toofies. My toofies were in pretty bad shape.

Dr. Amy said that I did really well, and I have to fank her for doing such a good job. And for giving me such good medicashuns to make the pain in my mouf go away.

I got to go home the same day.

As soon as I got home, Mommy and Daddy gave me some yummy albacore tuna!

Dr. Amy said to keep me in a separate room at first, so Mommy and Daddy set up my bachelor pad in the foster kitten room. The point was to keep the other Furry Bambinos from giving me a hard time because I smelled like the V-E-T office. The tail going into the PTU is not mine. So does that give you an idea of how well keeping us separate worked?

After about 20 minutes, I decided that I did not want to be confined to the foster kitten room against my will any longer. So I knocked over the baby gate and went downstairs.

There were NO CRUNCHIES in my bachelor pad!

Dr. Amy said that I have to eat soft food for 10 days after surgery. That is like, forever! So I went looking for crunchies downstairs. THE DOWNSTAIRS CRUNCHIES BOWLS ARE MISSING!!!

Kittehs, it’s going to be a long 10 days.

This is what my mouf looked like before surgery. One of my toofies that Dr. Amy stole is my left top fang pictured below. It was brokefied.

Below, I will show you my toofies that Dr. Amy gave Mommy and Daddy. She said that I could give my toofies to the Toof Fairy.

In case you are kind of squeamish, you can look away.






Toof Fairy, I really don’t want my toofies back. You can keep ’em. And I don’t want moneys for my toofies, eiffer.

What I really want are my CRUNCHIES back.

And tell Mommy and Daddy to stop it already with shoving medicashuns into my mouf.

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Mom’s PurrFurMance Review 2010 Sat, 19 Feb 2011 02:30:12 +0000 Greetings, furriends. The Furry Bambinos decided that I, Padre, as Senior Furry Bambino would be best suited to present Mom’s PurrFurmance Review. However, we did hold a meeting of the minds, and her review is based on input from the five of us Furry Bambinos. We even took Sunny’s and Sky’s recommendations into consideration. They are our current foster kittehs. Without further ado, let’s begin, shall we? a big THANK YOU to Mom Ann of Zoolatry for the nifty graphics!!

This is a picture of what Mom looks like. Yeah, we know, it’s just her hands, but they are the most important part!Just look at those wonderful opposable thumbs! Useful for opening cans of stinky goodness, giving scritches, and helping us blog and visit our furriends.

However, those same hands have given us medications, trimmed our nails, and shoved us into PTU’s to go to the V-E-T.

Exhibit B: The Review Form

Our Review of Mom

Reviewed By: Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, and fosters Sunny and Sky

Quantity of Output: 41 posts in 2010.  Hmmm.  Definitely nowhere near daily. Or even weekly, which would be 52 posts for the year. At least this is an improvement over 2009, in which there was a paltry 30 posts for the whole year. Some cats blog that much in a month! In Mom’s defense, the blog was incapacitated for awhile while Daddy’s computer went deaded due to a virus. During that time, both Mom and Dad had to share the laptop. Daddy had to get all his files off his hard drive, wipe the hard drive clean, and then reinstall everything. And THEN Daddy was able to upgrade the bloggie to the new version of WordPress.

Quality of Output: Only one movie produced last year. Pathetic! And it was depicting the reason Meerkat has been grounded for life. Lots of good photos, though.

Pawticipation (Part I): Mom does help us visit as much as she can. However, she does get distracted from helping us to blog and visit, by such lame excuses as “going to work”, “taking care of the fosters”, “sleeping”, “gardening”, “running non-cat related errands”, “bathing”, … You get the idea.

Pawticipation (Part II): Mom does not allow us to purrticipate in as many fun blog events as we would like. See above, under Pawticipation (Part I) for her litany of excuses.

Client Satisfaction: Our furriends are too polite to voice their disgust with the lack of regular blog posts.

Additional Criteria: Dad is Good Cop at Casa de Furry Bambinos, and Mom is Bad Cop. Case in point: Dad plays feather toy with us. Mom trims our toe nails. Dad opens cans of stinky goodness for us most mornings. Mom schedules V-E-T appointments for us. Dad sees to it that we have clean litter boxes daily. Mom shoves medications down our throats.

Mitigating Factors: We would like to add that Mom is liberal with sharing food from her meals. She is also much better at dispensing the treats than Dad is.

Overall Rating: In short, Mom is the “Sue Sylvester” of Casa de Furry Bambinos. Her first name is even Sue. We give Mom a “Low” rating, of two swats. Given that there are seven of us, that amounts to fourteen swats!

Comments and Suggestions for Improvement: Quit sleeping, eating, and gardening, and help us blog more!

We hope to catch up with reading and visiting this weekend. We are curious to hear how other purrsons PurrFurMance Reviews went!

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