Presents – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Sun, 08 Jan 2012 19:30:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Secret Paws 2011 Sun, 08 Jan 2012 18:07:20 +0000 Happy New Year Efurrybuddy! The Furry Bambinos and I (Caramel, AKA Ms. Floofs) received a terrific package from our furriends DaisyMae Maus, Charmee, and Sparky Fuzzypants all the way across the country in sunny Catifornia!! Thank you so much DaisyMae, Charmee, and Sparky!!  Here I am sniffing the package.

Panda Bear dived inside once Dad got the package opened.

Panda Bear opened the card and read it to us.

Look at all the wonderful presents!

Sunny sniffed the presents in the pretty blue wrapping paper.

Panda Bear is REALLY into nip!

He’s even licking nip flakes off the lid!

When Panda Bear gets really excited, he claws the carpet with gusto! That’s the effect nip has on him.

My sister Cookie sniffed the cute little mousies! We have been carrying those around and practicing our Mouse Patrol techniques with them!

We loves Temptations! Thanks for sending us Fishy Flavors! Meerkat is asking for more. Nom nom nom …

Thank you so much for sending us The Red Dot Maker! It is the one toy that gets all of us moving! Meerkat is stretching out to smack The Red Dot.

Mom put all the presents on the table and took a photo of them all together! We can’t wait for Mom to start that cat grass growing! We ate the Purina One Turkey yesterday! Mom loves the dove pin, jingle bells, and the yummy chocolates! What a generous gift!

Meerkat claimed the box! (The rest of us are a little too “well-endowed” to fit inside the box.)

Even Senior Catizen Padre got off his Gizzy Quilt to join in and play The Red Dot! Padre says Thank You!

My sister Cookie is really into wrapping paper. She likes to lie on it, play with it, and nap on it. Cookie says Thank You!

Sky says Thank You! (Especially for the Temptations.)

Sunny says Thank You!

Panda Bear says Thank You! (Especially for the Nip!!!)

On behalf of The Furry Bambinos, I say Thank You!!!

What a terrific present!!!

A huge Thank You to Mom Paula, Truffle, and Brulee for coordinating Secret Paws!!!

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Thank You Secret Paws!!! Fri, 31 Dec 2010 13:30:28 +0000 happy new year, efurryone!

we purrticipated in Secret Paws this year and we received The Meezers as our kittehs to be Secret Paws for. The Meezers wrote about opening our gift on Tuesday. we’re glad they liked the presents! Nicky has been on a nip high for a few days. that’s OK, so have i!!! because …

we got a FANTASTIC package from Samantha, Clementine, and Maverick in Texas! Cookie read the label to see who the package was from. Panda Bear helped to open the box.

Panda Bear helped to take the presents out of the box.

Panda Bear sniffed some primo nip toys inside the stocking and gave the stocking a good bunnykicking.

when Panda Bear was done bunnykicking, Caramel and i joined him to check out all the wonderful gifts.

Padre and Cookie joined Caramel, Panda Bear, and me. i am taking a good long sniff of the stocking stuffed with nip toys!

nip fest! mmmmmmmm nip!

i took a break from my nip fest to look at the pretty card from Samantha, Clementine, and Maverick!

Panda Bear checked out the YUMMY Fancy Feast Appetizers! we ate them and gave them our highest rating: 20 paws up! thank you for the Appetizers!!!

Padre and Panda Bear are checking out the Crunch ‘n Clean treats! mmmmm! yummy! we had never tried these before, but now mommy knows to get these since we liked them so much!

just like a meerkat, i know how to stand on my hind legs! sometimes i hold onto mommy’s hand …

and other times i go paws free! just like a good meerkat!

nip! nip nip nip nip! bunnykicking with a fishy toy this time!

Panda Bear with a package of nip sardines! don’t you love their little smiley faces?

not to be outdone, Floofs (Caramel) shows that she knows how to get her nip on!

Floofs having a nip fest with nip peppermint stick. she looks really high in this photo.

nip fest with bunnykicking to show off her floofy feets and toehawks.

Floofs says don’t touch her nip peppermint stick!

Panda Bear really got into the nip peppermint sticks too!

Panda Bear likes to lick the really primo nip toys. ewww. then nobuddy else wants to touch them.

Padre likes the nip sardines.

Padre also likes the jingle balls!

Cookie is posing with the nip toys!

check out this neato toy mousie!

Cookie made friends with the toy mousie. they are shaking paws here.

Cookie and the toy mousie are having a conversation.

i don’t think the toy mousie wants to be friends with Cookie any more.

check out the great calendar! do you see the resemblance between Cookie and the cover kitteh?

ahhhh! relaxing in the debris field! you can also see the great tablet! it has a magnet so it is going on the fridge. i will see to it that it is used for catfood shopping lists!

Thank You, Secret Paws!!! Thank You Samantha! Thank You Clementine! Thank You Maverick!

And a Special Thank You to Sweet Praline for organizing Secret Paws this year!

happy new year, efurryone!  (remember, if you nip, don’t drive.)

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Check Out Mom’s Birthday Present! Fri, 03 Dec 2010 11:14:11 +0000 Today is Mom’s Birthday. So we are taking a quick break from telling the story of Mama Rose and Her Bebbehs to show you what we got Mom for her Birthday. We will continue their story this weekend.

We Furry Bambinos got together and decided to give Mom a wicked cool present for her birthday this year. This is when we got it home from the store and are inspecting it for defects. Cookie is on the top shelf, Caramel is checking out the enclosed part, and I am snoopervising:

Next, Padre and Caramel gave it a good sniff:

Then, Padre gave what was left of the dangly toy a thorough workout from the front:

And then from the back, sneak attack style:

After his thorough inspection, Padre declared the birthday present acceptable.

I really don’t think that there is room for the both of us. I think Padre needs to get down.

Since it’s Mom’s birthday, I decided to be nice and got down instead. (Note that Mom reattached the dangly toy.)

After passing inspection, we put it where it is going to live. This is Caramel showing Mommy how to use it properly. I am snoopervising.

In this photo, I am demonstrating to Mommy another way to use her gift:

Happy Birthday Mom!  We hope you like your present!

Mom Here: I would like to thank the Bambinos for their thoughtful birthday gift. It will allow me to have my computer chair back!

On my birthday, I like to phone my parents at the time of day I was born, and wish them a Happy Mother’s Day and a Happy Father’s Day. Luckily I was born at a reasonable hour to call! Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Father’s Day!

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new cozy cat bed! Sat, 11 Apr 2009 16:03:08 +0000 greetings, furriends!  sorry that we haven’t been blogging much lately, but mom keeps coming up with all sorts of scuses why she can’t help us blog.  work, work, work…

mommy and daddy took a trip far far away a few weeks ago.  Aunt Deb came and visited us.  we like Aunt Deb.

when mommy and daddy got back from chicago, we gave their bags a good sniff.  they brought us a present!

looky!  padre gave it a good sniff.

panda bear gave it a good sniff.

i gave it a good sniff.  the new bed is furry comfortabubble.

the new bed fits me best!  it’s pretty, it’s pink, and the brown spots go great with my furs!

hoppy easter and passover everykitty!

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announcing the winners in furry bambino contest Thu, 23 Oct 2008 03:20:16 +0000 gosh, thanks to efurryone who stopped by to visit our blog in the last few days to wish us a happy gotcha day! we are truly touched by all the wonderful kitties in the cat blogosphere! we are so happy that so many of you could make it to our party! it has been great to see all of you, and we have had lots of fun. it was great to see old friends, and to meet some new friends too!

Meerkat Feather Toy

the kind-hearted souls over at whimpurrs whim gave us this beyootifull card:

Happy Gotcha Furry Bambinos

thank you so much! it really tickles us that you thought of us!

and now, for the big announcement! it is time to announce the winners of the very first bambino contest!

to celebrate the anniversary of our adoption, we decided to hold a contest. over the last several posts, you have left your name in the comments to enter.  over thirty famblies entered! woo-hoo! mom and dad helped with typing the names, printing the names, and then cutting up the paper into strips with each fambly’s name on a strip. then daddy folded the names, and put them into one of our crunchies bowls. we gave the bowl of names a good sniff.

Bambinos Select Names

panda bear oversaw the selection of the winner for the coventry cats shopping spree. ahem, and now, the winner of the coventry cats shopping spree is: kilroy the love beastie!!!

Panda Eats Kilroy

hoo-ray!! congrats!! (ewww… panda bear ran off and ate the strip of paper with kilroy’s name on it.)

next, padre oversaw the selection of the winner of the donation to a U.S. animal shelter or animal rescue group of their choosing. and the winner is: kellie the orange cat!!!

Padre Selects Kellie

we will be in touch to work out the details!! yay!!

Padre On Car

party on, dudes!!

Pand Bear in Funny Glasses

pee ess: as chance reminded efurryone in the comments, remember to nip and drive responsibly!

Meerkat On Car

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Happy Gotcha Day to Us! Wed, 22 Oct 2008 12:25:27 +0000 Hi Efurryone!!!  ::: waves paws excitedly :::

Today is the Anniversary of our Adoption Day!!!  You are never going to believe what we got as a present…

Mom and Dad gave us a CAR!!!

Panda Bear on Car

We Furry Bambinos have been here in our furrever home for exactly one year!!!  We are so happy to be here, that we decided a great way to celebrate would be to have a CONTEST and a PAR-TAY!

The CONTEST will be two drawings for prizes.  One prize will be an all-expenses paid shopping spree to Coventry Cats.  Panda Bear will do the shopping, based on your personal preferences.  Shopping spree amount to be determined, based approximately on the number of entrants, like $1 per entrant.

The other prize will be a donation to a U.S. shelter or rescue group of your choosing.  Amount of donation to be determined, based approximately on the number of entrants, like $1 per entrant.  The drawings will be on Wednesday, October 22 at 9:30 pm EDT.  Leave a note in the comments if you want to enter. Deadline to enter is 6:00 pm EDT tonight, Wednesday, October 22.

PAR-TAY starts at 9:00 am EDT, and lasts until the last kitty goes home.  All are welcome!  There will be toys and games!

Bambinos and Wand

There will be lots of food, and naps, and nip!

Meerkat Nip Sardine

Stop by for our party!  Enter our contest!  Take our car for a spin!

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mommy has a weird sense of humor Tue, 02 Sep 2008 10:02:40 +0000 to thank aunt deb for taking such good care of us while mommy and daddy were away, mommy decided to get a thank you gift for aunt deb.

mommy knows that aunt deb really enjoys reading and visiting her favorite bookstore, joseph-beth booksellers, so mommy got aunt deb a gift card for that store. so far, so good.

while mommy and daddy were in meowssouri, they visited the university bookstore and bought a stuffed tiger for aunt deb. tigers are very important in meowssouri. something about being the mascot. in this  picture, the tiger mom got for aunt deb is on the right. again, so far, so good.

but then mommy went and gave aunt deb the common cold! all right, it was a stuffed animal version. it is the creepy looking blue thing sitting next to the tiger in the above photo. i hope the tiger didn’t catch the cold!

personally, i thought that the common cold gift was actually rude. and kind of gross. (apparently, aunt patty agreed with me.)

but mommy said that aunt deb (gasp!) loved the common cold. maybe aunt deb has a weird sense of humor, too.

Mom Here: Actually, several months ago, Deb was the one who emailed me the web site link about the “Giant Microbes”. They are beanie baby sized plush toys, made to look like what the microbes appear like under a microscope. Well, except for the eyes. They were originally intended to be a learning tool. I think they’re a scream, and I forwarded the link to other friends who either studied bio and/or who have a similar sense of humor.

The University of Missouri Bookstore had Giant Microbes for sale in their medical section. I bought a “Common Cold” for myself, as well as a “Bookworm”.

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Party Time! (Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris’s Wedding Reception) Sat, 26 Jul 2008 16:12:18 +0000 Well, by now, if you have been following the past few posts, you know that Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris got married last Friday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanicat. Their wild party wedding reception was held in a fancy ballroom in a hotel near the church. Mom told me I couldn’t go to the wedding or wild party wedding reception because they don’t allow cats. So she brought home some pictures, and told us lots of stories.

This is a picture of Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris’s wedding cake:

The oversized cupcake as the top layer is because Aunt Patty LOVES cupcakes!

The “M” and the tiger on the next layer from the top are for the University of Missouri. Uncle Chris will start work there soon, and Aunt Patty will go back to school there. The tiger is the university’s mascot.

The Sticky Little People (and they really are Sticky and Little People) represent the children where Aunt Patty used to work. Aunt Patty was the director of the children’s art studio at the Carnegie Museum of Art. She recently quit her job because she and Uncle Chris are moving to Missouri.

The cats represent our feline cousins: Muse (tuxedo girl), Rainbow (calico girl), Cinnamon (orange tabby male), and Toast (orange and white girl). The woofie on the bottom layer is our new woofie cousin, Bruiser. He is a beagle / basset hound mix, from a Pittsburgh rescue organization where Uncle Chris and Aunt Patty volunteer. Rainbow, Muse, and Bruiser live with Aunt Patty, and Cinnamon and Toast live with Uncle Chris.

The bicycle is because Uncle Chris likes to bicycle.

This is a picture of Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris cutting the wedding cake:

Grampa (Mom’s Dad) gave the blessing at the start of the wild party wedding reception:

Aunt Patty is holding her “gong” which makes sounds like a drum. She used it to get everyone’s attention. Aunt Patty was thanking everyone who came to their wedding and wild party reception. She was also telling all the Sticky Little People that there was an arts activity table where they could have fun, instead of being bored listening to grown-ups talking about boring stupid stuff:

Uncle Chris has two younger brothers, Steve (left) and Peter (right). Peter was called the “Best Man”. The lady is Andrea, Steve’s wife. They are having fun blowing bubbles.

Dad’s parents were also invited to Aunt Patty’s wedding. This is a picture of Mommy and Daddy posing with our other Gramma and Grampa:

Check out all the loot Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris got! I wonder if they got any catnip? Mom says I have to mention that the “card box” was made by Mom, Dad, and Gramma (Mom’s Mom). It’s the thing that looks like a cake. Whatever.

Mom said that she had fun dancing to music that she and Aunt Patty used to go out dancing to: Yaz, Erasure, Nitzer Ebb, Prince. And Mom said that a few people at the wild party reception had too many niptinis and acted silly.

Next time we will tell you all about the fun we had with Aunt Deb, who visited us and took care of us Furry Bambinos while Mom and Dad were at Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris’s wedding!

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we love love love our ham-micks!!! Sun, 29 Jun 2008 14:57:26 +0000 recently, we furry bambinos noticed that many kitties in the blogosphere have been hanging out in their official dorfington fish stanley qa tested forty paws ham-micks. well, we convinced mommy to order ham-micks for us!

our ham-micks arrived a week ago thursday. padre and i gave the box a good sniff.

Gotta sniff the box to see if its okay

mommy put the ham-micks together while we snoopervised. padre, panda bear, and i helped out by sorting the materials.

Meerkat checks the supplies

Materials Check for the new hammicks

panda bear also helped by taste-testing the ham-mick parts while mommy was putting them together.

Panda helps arrange the materials

padre performed a safety check to make sure that mommy put the ham-mick together right. padre rubbed his paws with gusto, while applying pressure on the fleece fabric. padre does not have front claws, so he did not scratch the fabric.

Padre tests the first hammick

then padre settled in to test its comfort level, and made sure that all the parts were securely in place.

Padre settles in on the first hammick

next, mommy assembled the pink ham-mick. padre performed the safety check on the pink ham-mick too.

Padre Breaks in the Pink Hammick

last was the blue ham-mick. panda bear decided to put this one together himself. (mommy helped.) padre and i rested.

Panda Bear assembles his own hammick

and again, padre jumped right in and gave the blue ham-mick the padre rubdown and security check.

Padre checks out the blue hammick

unless you’re skeezix, pink is a girl kitty’s color, so the pink ham-mick is mine!!!

Meerkat in her girly hammick

although, the brown ham-mick also coordinates nicely with my furs.

Meerkat tests a hammick

after all this work, we took naps in the ham-micks. the ham-micks are extremely comfortabubble! we slept well!

Full hammicks

we love love love our ham-micks! thanks dorf and efurryone at forty paws! purrrrrrss!

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Happy Father’s Day! Sun, 15 Jun 2008 18:19:47 +0000 Hi Efurryone!  We want to wish all of you a very Happy Father’s Day!

We love our Daddy very much!  He feeds us, plays with us, and scoops our litter boxes.  We are very grateful to have such a wonderful and loving Daddy!  This is a picture of our Daddy:

Padre on David

Padre, Meerkat, and I pooled our spending money and asked Mommy to help us get a really cool gift for Father’s Day!  We got him a remote controlled electronic mousie!

Daddy really liked our gift, but unfortunately, the electronic mousie only goes in circles.  How disappointing!  Daddy said that he would try to fix it this afternoon.  If that doesn’t work, Mommy said that they would exchange it for another one.

 We want to wish all the Daddies (and the single Mommies) a Happy Father’s Day!

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