Stinky Goodness – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:05:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Birthday is on Earth Day Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:59:50 +0000 Greetings efurryone! Welcome to Casa Furry Bambino for my birthday party! Make yourselves at home!

We have stinky goodness, crunchies, and beverages! Panda Bear has graciously offered to serve as bartender! (ID required for adult kitty beverages, please!) Of course, there will be lots of nip! I am so delighted that you could come to my party!

Mom planted cat grass for us a few weeks ago, so feel free to nom nom nom!

In honor of Earth Day, Mom is going to dig in the dirt outside. She says we can help! It is Spring here in northeast O-Hi-O, and the weather is supposed to be sunny and mild!

Great napping weather! (Isn’t it always great napping weather if you’re a cat?)

Lots of interesting things to sniff in the back yard! Plus bird and squirrel watching!

Feel free to play Thundering Herds of Elephants! We have two sets of stairs – one to the basement, and one to upstairs. By the way, the powder room is in the basement.

If any of you choose to party into the evening, join us in the basement for Mouse Patrol! We will gather on the ledge at the top of the basement stairs at 8:55 pm EDT. Remember to keep your voices down, as we want to sneak up on the mousies!

Also today, my sister Cookie will be competing in Kitty Fight Club at The World According to Misha!

Photo: from Misha’s blog

Kitty Fight Club is a contest that pits two adorabubble kittens against each other for the title of cutest kitten! Cookie is nervous that she won’t get any votes at all!

Please vote for Cookie on Misha’s blog!

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Welcome to Our Coming-Out Party! Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:51:10 +0000 Greetings! Welcome to Casa Furry Bambino, for the Coming-Out Party for Cookie

and me, Caramel!

Today, we become Young Lady Cats, as we are now One Year Old! Today, I officially graduate from “Diva-in-Training” to “Diva”! I am so happy! Cookie is delighted to be a Young Lady Cat as well!

Please make yourselves at home! We have food and beverages (please drink responsibly),

nip (please use nip responsibly, unlike Panda Bear as shown here),


cozy napping spots,


fun and games,

friends and companionship!

We received some very lovely gifts from Mom and Dad, and we are happy to share with you!

Please leave us a comment to tell us you were here! In honor of our birthday, Mom is going to donate $1 (US) to the Humane Society of the United States for each comment received on any of our birthday blog posts. All comments must be received by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.

In addition, one lucky winner will receive a Gift Certificate to The Animal Rescue Site store! To enter, leave us a comment on any of our birthday posts! One chance per household will be entered. We will have one of us draw the name of the winner on Thursday, March 11, 2010, in the evening EST. All comments must be received by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.

Enjoy the Party, Efurryone! Stop by tomorrow to see what Panda Bear gave Cookie and me as Birthday Gifts!

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Party Time! Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:28:26 +0000 Hello kittehs!  Two years ago today, Mommy and Daddy took Panda Bear, Meerkat, and I, Padre, home from PetSmart!  So that means that today is reason to celebrate and share our happiness with our friends in the Cat Blogosphere!

All three of us spent some time living out of doors, so there are many things for which we are very grateful: safe shelter from the elements, fresh food and clean water whever we want, cozy napping spots, love, and most of all, our friends in the Blogosphere!  As elder statescat, and resident padre, I will be leading the group in purrs and purrayers as we give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.

So please join us for a day of celebration.  There will be food, and nip, and toys, and games, naps, and fellowship.  Plus, if you want, you can  visit The Apostles (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Joann), through the baby gate.  They haven’t been to the V-E-T yet, so sniffing only please!  Mom says that it’s OK to SQUEEE, though!

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Padre’s Birthday! Wed, 22 Apr 2009 04:03:17 +0000 Greetings furriends!!! We are celebrating my birthday today. When Mom and Dad adopted me, they were told that I was between 4 and 5 years old. They don’t know my actual date of birth, so we celebrate it six months after our Adoption Day (AKA Gotchaversary). So that means I am about six years old today!

In honor of the occasion, we Furry Bambinos are hosting all kitties, woofies, buns, and all other creatures great and small at Casa Furry Bambino! Come on over anytime, and join us for some fun!

We will have food, drinks, nip, naps, nip, treats, games, Thundering Herds of Elephants … did I mention nip? Oh, and we have two different sets of stairs, so we can have multiple games of THOE going on.

And when you need a rest from all the excitement, we have lots of cozy napping places! For example … this is a recent photo of Meerkat and me spooning in the new cozy cat bed.

Hope to see you! Purrrrss!

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Stinky Goodness, “Revisited” Fri, 27 Feb 2009 12:31:51 +0000 Mom Here: Those of you with weak stomachs should skip this post.

Panda Bear Here: Mom made me let her say that. What a wuss!

OK, so if some kitty eats food, and the food goes to their tummy, it’s still food, right?

Well, then, if some kitty’s tummy decides to hork up that food, it’s still food, right?

So what’s wrong if some other kitty (like me) decides to sample that pile of hork? It’s still food, right? I dare say it is the epitome of Stinky Goodness.

For some reason, Mom and Dad try to deter me from sampling hork piles. They just don’t understand good cuisine.

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Happy Gotcha Day to Us! Wed, 22 Oct 2008 12:25:27 +0000 Hi Efurryone!!!  ::: waves paws excitedly :::

Today is the Anniversary of our Adoption Day!!!  You are never going to believe what we got as a present…

Mom and Dad gave us a CAR!!!

Panda Bear on Car

We Furry Bambinos have been here in our furrever home for exactly one year!!!  We are so happy to be here, that we decided a great way to celebrate would be to have a CONTEST and a PAR-TAY!

The CONTEST will be two drawings for prizes.  One prize will be an all-expenses paid shopping spree to Coventry Cats.  Panda Bear will do the shopping, based on your personal preferences.  Shopping spree amount to be determined, based approximately on the number of entrants, like $1 per entrant.

The other prize will be a donation to a U.S. shelter or rescue group of your choosing.  Amount of donation to be determined, based approximately on the number of entrants, like $1 per entrant.  The drawings will be on Wednesday, October 22 at 9:30 pm EDT.  Leave a note in the comments if you want to enter. Deadline to enter is 6:00 pm EDT tonight, Wednesday, October 22.

PAR-TAY starts at 9:00 am EDT, and lasts until the last kitty goes home.  All are welcome!  There will be toys and games!

Bambinos and Wand

There will be lots of food, and naps, and nip!

Meerkat Nip Sardine

Stop by for our party!  Enter our contest!  Take our car for a spin!

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The Cross-Country M Word: Part 7 Sun, 31 Aug 2008 15:51:58 +0000 This is the seventh post in a series about what we did while Mom and Dad abandoned us to help Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris with the M word. Our poor cousins Rainbow, Muse, Cinnamon, Toast, and Bruiser (the woofie) had to endure being cooped up in rooms that moved for days and days. If you want to know what Mom and Dad were doing, go read their stupid blog.

On Sunday, August 3, Aunt Deb told us that Mom and Dad would be coming home that day. Darn! We were having such a great time with Aunt Deb! Here is a picture of me playing with my favorite toy of all: The Milk Ring (plastic ring from a gallon of milk).

Padre Disdains Bouncy Ball in Favor of Milk Ring

Mom and Dad did come home on Sunday night. We greeted them as they unpacked the ginormous room that moves.

Meerkat Greets Mommy and Daddy

Panda Bear Welcomes Daddy Home while Getting His Butt Sniffed by Meerkat

Meerkat Sniffs Mommys Shoe While Padre Shows Off His Spot 13

We made sure to sniff all of their packages and rectangular boxes with zippers.

Padre Sniffs Packages

Meerkat was so happy to see Mommy and Daddy that she clawed one of the dining room chairs in excitement:

Meerkat Claws Dining Room Chair in Excitement to See Mom and Dad

Meerkat gave Daddy’s hand a thorough sniffing.

Meerkat Sniffs Daddys Hand

Daddy picked up Panda Bear and gave him a hug.

Daddy Hugs Panda Bear

Mommy picked me up and made me give her a kissy. I complied, because otherwise I thought she would never put me down.

Padre Gives Mommy Kissy


Mostly, we are glad that Mommy and Daddy are home. Except when they take out the Evil Nail Clippers.


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The Cross-Country M Word: Part 6 Sat, 23 Aug 2008 19:00:01 +0000 This is the sixth post in a series about what we did while Mom and Dad abandoned us to help Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris with the M word. Our poor cousins Rainbow, Muse, Cinnamon, Toast, and Bruiser (the woofie) had to endure being cooped up in rooms that moved for days and days. If you want to know what Mom and Dad were doing, go read their stupid blog.

Dear Mom and Dad,

We confess! We had a few friends over Friday night, August 1st. The usual suspects came over, along with some new kids on the block — Sheldon, Rae, Gordon, Tammy Faye, and who knows who else.

Everything was mellow at first. Some of the new kids started a poker game at the dining room table. Actually, it was strip poker. A few collars and soft paws were shed. When they brought out the cigars, we said no way! This is a nuclear and smoke free zone!

Another group wanted snacks so we let them have some of our leftovers. They got a little raucous and soon a food fight was happenin’! We think Gordon started it because he has kind of a bad reputation, but we don’t really want to point the paw until we know for sure. Someone pukied in a few places, but we are not sayin’ who cuz we don’t want to rat on our friends. We cleaned up best we could, but some of it is still around. On Saturday morning, August 2nd, when Aunt Deb stopped in to feed us, she wanted to use the big noisy thing that sucks up stuff, but she thought that Daddy might not like that.

Just before midnight, lots of water and light and noise came form the sky outside. We were ascairt, so we all piled up on top of each other under the sofa. After the storm ended, everyone put on their little yellow rain slickers and tiny boots and left us Furry Bambinos to ourselves. We slept until Aunt Deb came over on Saturday morning to feed us.

Panda Bear Waves Goodbye

Mom and Dad, please don’t be mad at us! We promise we will be good!

Your loving bambinos,
Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Padre

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the cross-country m word: part 5 Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:00:59 +0000 this is the fifth post in a series about what we did while mom and dad abandoned us to help aunt patty and uncle chris with the m word. our poor cousins rainbow, muse, cinnamon, toast, and bruiser (the woofie) had to endure being cooped up in rooms that moved for days and days. if you want to know what mom and dad were doing, go read their stupid blog.

we furry bambinos weren’t that eager to chow down on friday, august 1st. we were more interested in playing with aunt deb. she said that she felt so honored, like sally field when she declared “you like me! you really like me!” upon accepting her oscar. (later aunt deb realized that we bambinos are just not that into the particular type of stinky goodness that she gave us that day. panda bear “covered up” the food as if he was in the litter box as a sign of his disapproval.)

Panda Bear Covers the Leftover Food for Later

then aunt deb fed us and filled our water bowls and fountain. mom must have told aunt deb where the squirrel food is, and that panda bear is a huge flight risk when mom feeds the squirrels. because next she grabbed the outdoor critters’ food, then announced, “NO escapees, guys!” we bambinos backed off, but watched attentively as she flung copious amounts of peanuts and walnuts out the door. aunt deb said that she had to make up for not feeding them before today. she said that those squirrels looked pitiful waiting around for their usual goodies.

then aunt deb tossed a few toys around to see if she could get some indoor activity going. padre and i went for the catnip carrot. aunt deb settled into the rocker for playtime. i sat to the right of her and rolled around on my back to show off my tummy, as i have done everyday. she gave me some skritches and asked if anyone else wanted some.

panda bear parked himself in his usual spot in the dining room by the pile of toys. he looked rather bored, so aunt deb spoke to him by name, and talked in a soothing voice. he answered by giving aunt deb a “love blink”: a slow blink of his eye.

padre posted himself near the door and stood vigil for the squirrels. i said that i wanted to play with the feather toy, so we did that for a good while.

Meerkat Attacks the Red Feather Toy

i really like chasing the feather toy through the cubes, then jumping on top of the cubes and squishing them!

Meerkat Crushes a Kalahari Cube

we furry bambinos nibbled and drank before aunt deb left. she cautioned us to behave ourselves, because she somehow sensed that we had some plans for that night. after that wild party we had last time mom and dad were away, aunt deb said that she is preparing herself for anything when she comes to see us on saturday morning.

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The Cross-Country M Word: Part 4 Thu, 14 Aug 2008 10:02:43 +0000 This is the fourth post in a series about what we did while Mom and Dad abandoned us to help Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris with the M word. Our poor cousins Rainbow, Muse, Cinnamon, Toast, and Bruiser (the woofie) had to endure being cooped up in rooms that moved for days and days. If you want to know what Mom and Dad were doing, go read their stupid blog.

On Thursday, July 31, Aunt Deb did not get to our house until noon. She said that she was really exhausted, because she was up way too late Wednesday. Aunt Deb said that she “had an interview with a Californian just b4 midnight EDT Wednesday and it lasted a long time, then I need to wind down b4 hitting the sack”. Yeah, whatever.

We were not especially hungry or angry at Aunt Deb, but we had eaten most of the crunchies. We still had some left and plenty of water, though. Aunt Deb fed us right away as always, and then we played.

Meerkat Plays with Red Ball

One of us Bambinos was especially zealous and had grabbed a feather off the toy, so Aunt Deb disposed of it so that there would be no choking and puking while she was gone. Darn!

Aunt Deb sang us a song with our names, to the tune of O Tannenbaum! Just to make sure it was a multi-cultural songfest, she also sang us a song about us, to the tune of Hava Nagila. We sure do like Aunt Deb’s singing!

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