Possible Banishment

What’s the big deal with weekends anyway?

I overheard Mom and Dad discussing banishing us from their sleeping room on weekends. Something about needing to “sleep in”.

I take my responsibility as being the furry alarm clock very seriously. This morning (as well as the past few weekends) I have been concerned that Mom and Dad would be late feeding us, as well as late going to wherever it is that they go. So, I turned up the ol’ purr motor and began purring intently to wake them up.

This morning it was about 5:15 am, a perfectly good time to start the day, so I climbed up on Mom’s pillows behind her head and turned on the purr motor… to eleven… just to make sure she would hear me. Mom and Dad both woke up, and then Dad pretended like he was getting up, so I followed him to the human litter box room. Next thing you know, Dad raced back into the sleeping room and forgot me out in the hall. Hmmph. Now they are talking about banishing us from their sleeping room on weekends. Sigh. Don’t they know I have their best interests in mind?

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