Panda Bear – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Tue, 19 Jun 2012 17:12:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 International Box Day 2012 Tue, 19 Jun 2012 06:20:21 +0000 Happy International Box Day, Furriends!!!

Panda Bear here, to tell you about a Wonderful Box.

Mom and Dad brought The Wonderful Box home one Friday night back in Feburrrrrary. They put it on the floor in the dining room, but did not open it! We wanted to know what The Box was like.

So we just had to sniff the outside of The Box. And sit on The Box. That’s Cookie sitting on The Box.

Finally, Mom and Dad opend The Box on Saturday, and took all the stuff out. Which gave us the chance to thoroughly examine The Box.

Before I was done checking out The Box, Padre joined me inside. The Box was big enough for both of us!

Padre is giving The Box a Thorough Sniffing.

I am Trapped in a Box of Tremendous Size!

Just hanging out in My Box.

Happy International Box Day Efurryone!

Pee. Ess.  Can you guess what was in The Wonderful Box? We’ll tell you about it next time!

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Celebrate Meerkat and Panda Bear’s 5th Birthday with Us! Wed, 16 May 2012 05:03:57 +0000 Greetings Furriends! Happy Birthday to Me! Oh, and to my sister Meerkat too! Today we are five years old!

Check out this way cool tent Mom gave us for our birthday! Meerkat gave it a Good Sniff. That’s Ms. Floofs (Caramel) inside the tent.

Mom also picked up some way cool toys for us! Here I am checking out the Nip Shrimp. No, it was not a Real Live Fresh Dead Shrimp, but it was still fun.

Mom saw these tasty looking Canadian Geese at the place where she works. No, she did not bring us any Real Live Fresh Dead Geese for our birthday dinner.

Come join us to check out the new tent!


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Happy Birthday Mommy … and Cookie is Nuts! Sat, 03 Dec 2011 15:27:59 +0000 Today is our Mommy’s Birthday! We are happy that it is on a Saturday, so we get extra snuggle time with her today. She was surprised to see her birthday announced on the Cat Blogosphere! She says thank you for all the kind birthday wishes. She just got off the phone with Gramma. Mom always calls Gramma at the time Mom was born to wish her mother a Happy Mother’s Day.

We haven’t been able to blog much lately. That’s because the computer has been overheating and shutting down randomly. So Daddy performed surgery on it. This is what he pulled out.

A furball! The computer hacked up a furball! An impressive one, if I do say so myself.

In other news, I have always thought that Cookie is a bit daft when it comes to The Rug Sucking Monster. She is not afraid of it! When it comes out, most of us go running the other direction. Clyde, One Who Came Before, would hiss at it even before it got turned on. Then he would run to the farthest corner of the house to get away from it. But not Cookie.

Watch the movie and see what I mean.


Crazy, I tell you! That Cookie is bat sh*t crazy! What do you do when The Rug Sucking Monster comes out?

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Nigel Tufnel Day Fri, 11 Nov 2011 16:11:37 +0000 In addition to being Veterans Day, today is also a lesser known holiday: Nigel Tufnel Day. Why? Because of the date: 11-11-11.

In honor of this occasion, we thought that we would re-post my previous homage to the Great Nigel Tufnel.

Mom says that I have a very loud purr motor.

I replied, “My purr motor is very special because it goes up to eleven.  See, most cats have purr motors that go up to ten, but mine goes up to eleven.”

Mom asked me, “Does that mean it’s louder?  Is it any louder?”

“Well,” I replied, “it’s one louder.  It’s not ten.”

“See, most cats would be purring at ten.  You’re on ten, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you’re on ten, purring on someone’s lap, and where can you go from there?  Where?”

“I dunno.” Mom said.

“Nowhere!  Exactly!  See, if I need to get my purr motor to make that extra push over the cliff, I can put my purr motor up to eleven.”

Mom asked me, “Why don’t you just make ten on your purr motor louder, and make ten be the top number on the purr motor, and make that a little louder?”

She clearly doesn’t get it.

“My purr motor goes to eleven.”

(with apologies to Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Rob Reiner, and Harry Shearer)

Panda Bear, and Angel Mohawk (who also had an extremely LOUD purr motor)

pee. ess. Mom says that if you don’t get this reference, you never saw one of the Funniest Movies Ever. Immediately go watch This Is Spinal Tap, or at least this scene. Then come back and read the post again.


How LOUD is your purr motor?

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Flat Panda Bear Goes to the V-E-T Sat, 24 Sep 2011 12:45:02 +0000 Hello Kittehs!  As you may know, Mom and Dad abandoned us a few weeks ago to meet some nasty lady named Irene. They met her at BlogPaws, which was held in Tysons Corner in Furginia.

They brought home lots of cool swag, which we are enjoying. Sunny and I also personally saw to it that we got to sample the Royal Canin crunchies. Kittehs, sometimes you have to take matters into your own teeths. We treated those bags to toothy deaths, which forced Mom to feed us the yummy crunchies inside!

BEST of all, Mom got to attend the Flat Tyler workshop.

She came home with this: (dah dah dahhh)

A Flat Panda Bear!!!

Immediately, I began plotting how to use Flat Panda Bear to my advantage. So, when the foster kittens got the sneezies, and then Sunny and I got the sneezies, and then Mom made an appointment for Sunny and me at the V-E-T, I knew just what to do.

Unfortunately, Mom was not fooled. I wound up in the PTU anyway.

It was Sunny’s First Visit to the V-E-T.  Well, except for when he had his Hoohaectomy and got his ear tipped.

When Dr. Amy walked into the exam room, she saw Flat Panda Bear on the exam table.  She thought it was me!

At least at first. Dr. Amy examined Flat Panda Bear’s eye with her magic eye scope thingy.  I think she caught on when Flat Panda Bear didn’t have a pulse.

But she was a Good Sport about it.

I still got examined, though.

So did Sunny.

Sunny checked out the exam room thoroughly.

He really wanted to jump to the top of the cabinets.

Mom wouldn’t let him. So he checked out the sink instead.

Unfortunately, we both got shot. With Convenia. It did help get rid of our sneezies, though.

The staff loved Flat Panda Bear. He helped Mom pay the bill at the reception desk.

There was a nice woofie behind the reception desk who wanted to check out Flat Panda Bear.

Sunny did really great considering it was his first visit to the V-E-T. So did Flat Panda Bear.

Thank you Dr. Amy for making us all better!!!

P.S. Belated Trapaversary to Sunny and Sky! They got trapped last year on September 18.

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Lilia and Vitaly Have Graduated! Mon, 30 May 2011 15:59:28 +0000 Hi furriends! Thanks for helping us celebrate our birthdays! We would like to say a Special Thank You to Jan’s Funny Farmers for sending some of you our way! That was very thoughtful of you!

Meerkat and I appreciate your kind birthday wishes, and the Cleveland APL appreciates your comments for a donation. Mommy’s day hunting place matches donations, so your comments are worth double! Thanks efurrybuddy!

We have some great news! Recent Furry Bambino Foster Academy Students Lilia …

… and Vitaly …

… GRADUATED on Saturday May 14! They were adopted TOGETHER!!!  (The kittens do have more than one water dish!)

:: Happy Adoption-Graduation Dance::

That’s their Forever Mom with Vitaly.  Those kittens LOVE shoelaces! Vitaly even wore a Graduation Cup!  He told me he wrote “Hi Mom” on the top. Heh.

Lilia and Vitaly are Lynx point Siamese kittens – which means that they have tiger stripes!  Mom thought that Vitaly’s stripes on his head made him look like he was furrowing his eyebrows, deep in thought.

Lilia and Vitaly both climbed up Mom recently – they weren’t named for famous gymnasts for nothing. Can you guess which is Lilia and which is Vitaly?  Mom’s not entirely sure, herself! Vitaly is darker brown on his back, and bigger than Lilia. Lilia is more of a white cream color, and daintier. Answers to the last names of the famous gymnasts below.

Vitaly licked his Forever Mom’s face to say hello.

Lilia posed with Dad to say Farewell.

Next time, how Mom and Dad spent our birthday – no, it wasn’t with us!

Famous Namesake Gymnasts:

Nadia Comaneci
Bart Conner
Lilia Podkopayeva
Vitaly Scherbo

P.S. Nadia Comaneci and Bart Conner are married in real life.

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Sunny and Sky Have Been Adopted! Sun, 17 Apr 2011 05:23:48 +0000 Great News, Kittehs!! We have finally found a suitable fambly to adopt Sunny and Sky!!

The brothers are still a bit skittish, Sky more so than Sunny. We knew it would be a challenge to find the right home for them.

Sunny and Sky must be adopted into a QUIET and CALM household.

With NO woofies.

AND with NO sticky little people. AND with NO sticky medium people, either.

AND Sunny and Sky must be adopted TOGETHER.

The right home must have PATIENT people who would understand that Sunny, and especially Sky, are still somewhat timid. The boys need to be given time and space to learn to trust the adopters.

Mom and Dad decided that the best thing for Sunny and Sky would be for them to stay here with us.

Sunny and Sky are now officially Furry Bambinos!

We have already posted this video, but we thought it would be appropriate to show it again.


Welcome to the Fambly!!

Next time, we will tell you our OTHER REALLY BIG NEWS!

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Panda Bear and His Groupies Sun, 13 Feb 2011 05:03:25 +0000 Hello kittehs! In honor of Valentine’s Day, allow me to share some LOVE with all of you out there in bloggie land.

As regular readers know, all of us Furry Bambinos are former foster kittehs. Padre, my biological sister Meerkat, and I were adopted in October 2007.  Cookie and Caramel were Mom and Dad’s first attempt at fostering in 2009. They joined the fambly, but since then we have had lots of fosters come and go.

I, Panda Bear, am the President of the Furry Bambino Welcoming Committeh. I am the first Bambino to befriend the fosters. Caramel and Cookie are next to accept the newbies. Meerkat is always LAST to accept the fosters. Usually, she bops them on the head and gives them a hiss. Padre, big ManCat that he is, is usually AFRAID of these pipsqueak fosters, so he avoids them.

The fosters LOVE me. Srsly, they do. Why wouldn’t they? The second I walk into the foster room, I get swarmed by itteh bitteh kittehs. Here, I am teaching the tots how to get your nip on. That’s Sunny, Sky, and Hunter observing closely.

They watch my every move. That’s Silver, Sunny, Hunter, and Sky.

Here I am trying to enjoy a good look out the front window, while standing on the bar stool. That’s Hunter paying homage to me.

Dad even made a short film, depicting my groupies in action.


Honestly, ya’d think I was Justin Bieber or something.

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Check Out Mom’s Birthday Present! Fri, 03 Dec 2010 11:14:11 +0000 Today is Mom’s Birthday. So we are taking a quick break from telling the story of Mama Rose and Her Bebbehs to show you what we got Mom for her Birthday. We will continue their story this weekend.

We Furry Bambinos got together and decided to give Mom a wicked cool present for her birthday this year. This is when we got it home from the store and are inspecting it for defects. Cookie is on the top shelf, Caramel is checking out the enclosed part, and I am snoopervising:

Next, Padre and Caramel gave it a good sniff:

Then, Padre gave what was left of the dangly toy a thorough workout from the front:

And then from the back, sneak attack style:

After his thorough inspection, Padre declared the birthday present acceptable.

I really don’t think that there is room for the both of us. I think Padre needs to get down.

Since it’s Mom’s birthday, I decided to be nice and got down instead. (Note that Mom reattached the dangly toy.)

After passing inspection, we put it where it is going to live. This is Caramel showing Mommy how to use it properly. I am snoopervising.

In this photo, I am demonstrating to Mommy another way to use her gift:

Happy Birthday Mom!  We hope you like your present!

Mom Here: I would like to thank the Bambinos for their thoughtful birthday gift. It will allow me to have my computer chair back!

On my birthday, I like to phone my parents at the time of day I was born, and wish them a Happy Mother’s Day and a Happy Father’s Day. Luckily I was born at a reasonable hour to call! Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Father’s Day!

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Mo Cats Day 2010 Fri, 10 Sep 2010 03:45:00 +0000 Yo kittehs! We feel that as a multi-kitteh and multi-foster kitteh household, we are well qualified to write about Mo Cats Day! We have Derby and Ducky to thank for creating Mo Cats Day in response to the stoopid idea to have a day without cats proposed by some stoopid people last year.  If you are interested in reading about the origins of Mo Cats Day, here is a great summary on Nikita Cat’s Blog.

This great graphic was created by the lovely Ann from Zoolatry.

Today, we will show you photos of The Cats Who Came Before, The Current Furry Bambinos, and all the kittehs we have fostered.

Mohawk, One Who Came Before, would be THRILLED to hear that today is Mo Cats Day!!! Mohawk often went by his nickname “Mo”. Mom adopted Mohawk back in January 1991, when he was about 4 to 5 months old. Mohawk was all white, except for a black stripe on the top of his head. The stripe grew out by the time Mo was about a year old. This photo was taken when Mohawk still had his stripe.

This photo shows Mo’s beautiful green eyes. As you can tell, Mohawk enjoyed his pillows!

Clyde is also One Who Came Before. He was a ginormous grey tabby ManCat. At his largest, Clyde weighed 19 pounds! This photo shows Mom holding Clyde. You can get a sense as to how big he was!

This photo shows Clyde’s gentle face closeup.

Now, for the current Bambinos.  This next photo is a close up of Padre.  Note how similar Clyde and Padre look!

Next up is me, Panda Bear. Here is a wink for all the laydeez:

Meerkat, pausing during her inspection of the back yard to pose. Me and her are biological siblings.

Cookie likes to greet all visitors to Casa Furry Bambino, by sitting on this chair by the front door.  Notice how Meerkat and Cookie have such similar markings!

Caramel is the only floofy Furry Bambino. Here she is snuggling a pair of Mommy’s slippers. Check out that floofy tail and those toe hawks!

Now, for the Fosters. The first fosters we had were Cookie and Caramel, whom Mom and Dad adopted!

Our next fosters were Matthew (renamed Neo), Mark, Luke (renamed Shadow), and Joann (renamed Inky). They were here between late September and December 2009.

Joann is attacking the pink boa. Doesn’t she look like a cute little black bear cub?

Our next fosters were Daisy (renamed Bella), Bo (renamed Watson), and Luke, who were here between mid-April and late May of this year. Daisy is the dilute tortoiseshell, Luke is black and white, and Bo is the buff tabby.

While Daisy, Bo, and Luke were here, Niecy and Trish also joined us, bringing our TFC (Total Feline Count in the house) into the double digits at 10! You can tell how tiny Niecy and Trish were by comparing their size to Daisy. Daisy weighed about 2 pounds in this photo. Trish (white) weighed 12 ounces, and Niecy (black) weighed just 10 ounces at this time. They tried to nurse from Daisy, and looked to her as a surrogate mother.

After Daisy, Bo, and Luke got adopted, and while Niecy and Trish were here, Antoinette showed up at our back door one Sunday afternoon. We have a great adoption story for you about Antoinette, but we will save that for another post!

Niecy and Trish went to their furrever home on Friday, August 6, 2010. Our next fosters moved in the very next morning on Saturday, August 7! Beyonce, Kelly, and Michelle are three bootilicous tortoiseshell sisters! Beyonce has already been adopted, and has been renamed Angel. Kelly and Michelle are still here. Beyonce is the long-haired tortie on the top, and Kelly is the speckled faced tortie on the lower side. Doesn’t Beyonce look JUST LIKE Caramel? Beyonce’s nickname was Floofs Junior, and Kelly’s nickname is Miss Speckles.

Michelle has a face that is exactly half orange and half black! Her nickname is Miss Rainbow, because she is timid like our cousin Rainbow.

In addition, on Tuesday, August 10, our next fosters moved in: Winnie-the-Pooh, Kanga, Hidey, and Mr. BibsWinnie-the-Pooh is a male black and white tuxedo. I am pleased to report that he is full of cattitude!

Kanga is a female solid black kitten.

Hidey (yes, that is spelled that way for a reason) is a solid black female feral kitten.

Like Hidey, Mr. Bibs is also feral. He is solid black with a white bib and white belleh.

Yesterday, Hidey and Mr. Bibs went to their furrever home, but we will save that story for another post, too.

So that brings our Mo Cats Day blog post to a close, with a grand total of twenty-four (!) different kittehs featured! How’s that for Mo Cats?!

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