Sky’s Posts – The Furry Bambinos – Cleveland Wed, 02 May 2012 18:21:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Clyde’s 20th Gotchaversary Wed, 02 May 2012 21:45:41 +0000 Hello Furriends! Sky here, Silver Tabby Extraordinaire.

Today is a Special Day in Furry Bambino History.

Twenty years ago today, Mommy and Daddy adopted Clyde as a wee kitten.

Look at those ears! Mom says that yes, Clyde did eventually grow into those ears.

Sometimes Mom or Dad calls me “Clyde” instead of “Sky”. The names sound similar, and  we are both Handsome Grey ManCats, so it’s OK. This is a photo of me!

Clyde resides at the Rainbow Bridge now, since February 15, 2007.

We have Clyde and Mohawk to thank for breaking in Mom and Dad for us. We love you Clyde-o!!!

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My Latest PurrFurMance Art Piece Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:10:41 +0000 Greetings furriends! Sky here, Artist in Residence.

As you may remember, I like to create PurrFurMance Art. My two previous works (Spring Water and Turning Spring Water into Niptini) were described previously.

Behold my most recent PurrFurMance Art Piece:

I call it “A Hole in One”.

It is a mixed media piece, created while playing with a Mint Green Nerf Ball, and carefully placed into a glass bowl of water. Over time, the Nerf Ball absorbed all the water in the bowl.

This piece represents the struggles our planet is facing with respect to climate change, overpopulation, and dwindling natural resources.

(As usual, Dad and Mom do not understand my Art. Mom took the Nerf Ball out of the bowl to let it dry out. She washed out the water bowl and refilled it with fresh water.)

Do you create PurrFurMance Art, too?

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Happy National Feral Cat Day 2011 to Mama Rose and Daddy! Sun, 16 Oct 2011 17:48:33 +0000 Hi efurryone! I’m Sky! I would like to tell you about National Feral Cat Day (October 16). I will tell you about it, by telling you my story, and the story of my parents, Mama Rose and Daddy.

Last year, my brothers and sister and I were born to Mama Rose. We don’t know exactly when, but it was probably in July 2010. When we got big enough, Mama started bringing us to visit the back yard at Casa de Furry Bambinos. Mama was young, probably less than a year old herself. Our Human Mom and Dad began feeding us in a special cafeteria.

One day, the cafeteria door closed behind us while we were eating! We were trapped! That’s my brother Rusty and sister Marigold (now Mia).

Our Humans kept us in cages in the garage at first. Every day they fed us, scooped our boxes, and tried to cuddle and hold us. They gave us Baby Food as a reward for cuddling with them. That’s Sunny and me (Sky) huddling and trying to hide in our cage. Back then, Sunny was known as Mr. Wild Child, and I was Mr. Hissy.

Then one day we were all put into PTU’s, and taken to the Cleveland APL for our hoohaectomies and ladygardenectomies.

This is Woody, Hunter, and Sunny in the PTU. (Note the airplane ears and scared little faces.)

Soon after that, my sister and brothers and I moved into the Dormitory at Furry Bambino Foster Academy (Kitten Foster Room). That’s me on the right, hissing at Woody and Hunter. I was kind of crabiliated back then.

Mama was released to the Outside.


Our Human Mom and Dad feed her every day.

Recently, Mama has started TALKING to our Human Dad!!!  For those of you who know something about feral cats, you know that this is HUGE!!! And yesterday, for the First Time Ever, Mama said Hello to our Human Mom!!!

Per usual, our Biological Daddy was never part of our little family. He planted his seeds and left the scene. Our Humans saw him from time to time in the neighborhood.

My brother Woody and I look  A LOT like our Kitteh Daddy, which is why our Human Mom was convinced that Daddy was: a) A Male Cat, and b) Our Biological Daddy.

Then this summer, Daddy started showing up every day …

… to nom on Mama’s foods on the porch. Do you see Mama in the photo, too? She’s waiting for Daddy to finish eating. She always lets him eat first.

Our Humans got a Cafeteria (trap) and after some resistance on his part, trapped Daddy in July. He got his hoohaectomy at the Cleveland APL, and was released that night.

Now Mama shows up just about every day, and Daddy shows up often. Mama spent most sunny summer afternoons napping on the porch here at Casa de Furry Bambinos.

To celebrate National Feral Cat Day, our Human Mom is shopping online for some better ideas for winter shelter for Mama and/or Daddy. Our Human Parents are discussing the best way to keep Our Biological Parents safe this winter.

This Just In: Please if you could spare some purrs and purrayers, our Dear Friend Perfectly Parker and her family could use some.

And, while you are purring, please send some purrs for Carol, a Very Kind Human who is the volunteer coordinator for PAWS, the animal rescue group for which Mom and Dad volunteer. Carol is in the hospital right now after a terrible fall, and she and her family could really use all the purrs and purrayers you can muster.

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Sky and Sunny’s First Birthday Sun, 31 Jul 2011 14:20:56 +0000 Hello Furriends! First, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have commented on our Birthday Post! We appreciate your kind words and for helping us to celebrate our first birthday and comment-a-thon to benefit the Cleveland Animal Protective League (APL)! We want to extend Very Special Thanks to Momo, to Asta, to Khyra, and to The Cat Blogosphere who helped to spread the word about our birthday. You really rounded up furriends who showed their support! Thanks to all of you who commented, attended the party, and brought nip and cake!

We started our Birthday by hunting together.

Sunny patted this little guy a few times to see what he would do.

He just kept inching his way across the carpet while we watched.

He took so long to get anywhere that we sat down and got comfortable.

Mommy picked up our inchworm prey friend and let him loose outside. Bye, Birthday Bug! (Click to biggify.)

Next, we shared some cereal milk from Mommy’s cereal dish.

Even Panda Bear enjoyed some cereal milk.

Panda Bear is the one who taught us about cereal milk!

I had some crunchies after the milk.

Our big birthday present was for dinner: Real Live Fresh Dead Chicken Boobs!

Daddy cut it up for us to share with the other Furry Bambinos.

Sunny says, “Hurry, cut faster!”

I said, “I’m hungry!”

Finally, all cut up!

Mmm mmm good!!

Yum yum yum!

Panda Bear enjoyed the RLFDCB!

So did Padre!

Miss Floofs (Caramel) sneaked some RLFDCB from my dish while Mommy was serving …

So, Sunny and I ate the leftovers from Caramel’s and Cookie’s dishes!

Mommy will be making a donation of approximately $100 to the Cleveland Animal Protective League (APL). In addition, Mommy works for a company that matches donations, so that means the Cleveland APL will get $200 total!!! The Cleveland APL is a nonprofit humane society located in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio. In addition to providing shelter to cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies waiting to be adopted, the Cleveland APL also provides low cost spay and neuter services, as well as sponsoring a Trap Neuter Return (TNR) program for feral cats in the Cleveland area. It is where most PAWS kitties, including us, have their ladygardenectomy or hoohaectomy surgery done.

Thank you efurryone!!!

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Celebrating Freedom of Expression Sat, 02 Jul 2011 22:09:46 +0000 Greetings furriends!

Here in the United States, we are celebrating Independence Day.

Here at Casa de Furry Bambinos, I am celebrating my right to Freedom of Expression. I am a Purrfurmance Artist.

I call this one “Spring Water”.

This next one I call “Turning Spring Water into Niptini”.

Dad does not understand my art. He promptly cleaned out the fountain, removing both the spring and the nip toy.

Have a safe holiday efurryone! We are planning on hiding in the basement if it gets too loud.

P.S. Aunt Patty, what do you think of my Art? (Aunt Patty has a masters degree in modern art criticism.)

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Happy The Lady Mommy’s Day Sat, 07 May 2011 17:15:30 +0000 Hi efurryone! My name is Sky. Sky Bambino.

I was trapped by The Lady and The Man on September 18, 2010.

At the time, I thought it was the worst day of my life.

Now, I realize it was the best day of my life.

Over time, I began to trust The Lady and The Man. They fed us baby food on their fingers.

They took good care of me and my sister and brothers. They even took good care of my biological Mama.

Sudden movements and loud sounds still make me nervous. But today I am writing about how much I secretly love The Lady. She gives me treats, like lunch meat, Temptations, and milk from her cereal dish.

She’s says it’s OK to call her Mommy.

I’m not quite ready to call her Mommy yet, so I will call her The Lady Mommy.

Happy The Lady Mommy’s Day to your The Lady Mommies too!

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