A New Forever Home

Hello world!  I’m finally settled!

Yesterday, I moved into my new forever home.  It seems to be a nice place, but I haven’t fully investigated it yet.

The servants who run it keep saying “you look just like Clyde!”  I finally figured out that “Clyde” was a previous resident who went to The Rainbow Bridge earlier this year.

I came to this new home in a roundabout way.  My previous ‘forever home’ turned out to be not-so-forever.  It wasn’t nice of them to remove my necktie and just leave me outside on someone’s doorstep!  Humans … will they ever learn? Next, I wound up in some sort of animal prison for awhile. I got rescued from prison “in the nick of time” to someone who called herself my “Foster Mom” and who kept rambling on about my PAWS.  She kept me in the basement for a few days while I just chilled out.

My Foster Mom took me to a brightly lit place that was rather small and restrictive for my rather large body.  I think it was a college for intelligent cats like myself because it was called PetSmart.  I was happy to have two rooms to spread out in, but the windows were rather annoying, and the neighbors were rather rambunctious.  Small humans would frequently tap on the window, too.  Jeez, it was hard to sleep!

Eventually, a nice man and woman came to play with me.  I thought “they’ll do”, and decided to choose them as my new servants.  So here I am.

Turns out a couple of young hoodlums also chose these servants at the same time.  I thought I’d have my own blog to report from, but apparently not.  The servants have indicated that I’ve got to share this space with Mr. Tuxedo and Ms. Brown-Tabby (they haven’t told me their names yet, and I’m content to keep to myself for now).  Oh, the bother.

I haven’t told the servants my name yet, but they’ll discover it soon enough.  For now, they’re calling me “Silver”.   More soon as things develop.

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