well, they made us to dress up in dumb costumes again this year.
and then they took photos!
lot of photos.
like this one of Padre dressed as a cowboy.
caramel really got screwed and had to wear three pieces to her costume. heh. serves that little floofy princess right.
cookie really protested about getting her photo taken, so she fled to the basement, still wearing her costume.
i am not sure what she was dressed as, other than an unhappy cat.
panda bear had to wear a pirate’s hat. the dork really seemed to enjoy it, playing up on his one eye and all.
:: smugly :: i got to wear a she-devil costume.
then, they turned the photos into a halloween card, and sent it to all their friends.
when mommy’s friend Dorothy got the card, she told Mommy:
I am surprised that by the look on Meerkat’s face, you and David were not turned into pillars of salt!
heh. just the look i was going for.
if you would like your very own copy of the card, send us your snail mail address. our email address is TheFurryBambinos AT gmail DOT com. you can use our contact page if you want.
we can even send the card overseas too!
Happy Halloween, Efurrybody!
We sincerely wish we had a basement to flee to.
You all are far more patient than us! You do look pretty cute, though.
Happy Halloween!
Oh goodness, you all look so cool in your costumes. A THREE piece is a very advanced outfit, Caramel. You all done good!
OMC, all of you in real costumes!!!!! Panda Bear looks particularly good in his pirate hat, so do you all.
Our human daddy took the cool card to the choral arts rehearsal Sunday eve to show to efuryone. They liked the card a lot. One lady singer is going to contact your daddy about SOC.
Our mom says, see you later alligators. Huh?
Love, Niecy and Trish
MOL MOL “unhappy cat” was a popular costume this year…good job with the hat Padre!
You guys are stunning~!!!!