
Check this out:

Mom and Dad left us alone Saturday night, and at first I thought it was because I had woken them up so early. Apparently they went to visit Mom’s family in Pennsylvanicat for Saturday and came back home on Sunday.

More on The Best Cat Toy, EVER


What’s the big deal with weekends anyway?

I overheard Mom and Dad discussing banishing us from their sleeping room on weekends. Something about needing to “sleep in”.

I take my responsibility as being the furry alarm clock very seriously. This morning (as well as the past few weekends) I have been concerned that Mom and Dad would be late feeding us, as well as late going to wherever it is that they go. So, I turned up the ol’ purr motor and began purring intently to wake them up.

More on Possible Banishment


We had a blizzard here in Cleveland on Sunday!  It was so much fun to watch the snow falling and blowing around.  Then, we went out to play in the snow with Mom and Dad!  The five of us had a great snowball fight!  Meerkat got to dump snow on Mommy!  They hit me good, but I was able to bounce back and nail Daddy real good.

More on Furry Bambinos Snowball Fight!


Mom says that I have a very loud purr motor.

I replied, “My purr motor is very special because it goes up to eleven.  See, most cats have purr motors that go up to ten, but mine goes up to eleven.”

More on One Louder


I tell you, every day I discover more cat toys around the house.  There are some really cool things to play with here.  So today I thought that I would share with you some of the toys that I have found recently. 

This is one of my favorite “Non-Traditional” cat toys.  I have posted this photo previously, but for sheer pleasure as well as the potential to drive your humans nuts, batting around the dangly lamp pull-chain is second to none.

More on Non-Traditional Cat Toys!


Sorry that we have not been blogging recently!  Mom has been too busy to help us blog much lately.  She has some really lame excuses, too:  cleaning the house for visitors, having visitors, getting sick.  Really lame excuses if you ask me.

More on Update on The Furry Bambinos!


Hi everybody!

I was tagged by Tybalt the Prince of Cats and Tigger the F.B.I. Cat and by the cool kitties at The Cat Realm for the “Seven Weird or Interesting Things about You” Meme. I am so excited!!

More on My First Meme!