Three Dumb Mice

Can you believe it? Last week The Furry Bambinos had the great fortune of getting to hunt three mousies in the same night!!

It all started after dinner. We could tell that there was a mousie in the basement, so we surrounded it, and I brought it upstairs to the fambly room where we like to play with them.

Panda Bear pins down the mouse!

We roughed the mousie up a little bit before Mom and Dad took the mousie away from us. They released it out the back door.

Within 5 minutes, Meerkat had caught a second mousie and ran upstairs from the basement at top speed. She took the mousie into the fambly room, where we proceeded to play with it. We roughed the second mousie up, too.

“Another mouse?” Dad exclaimed. “Do you think it’s the same one we just put outside? He looks kind of sluggish.”

“Who knows?” Mom answered. “Maybe we should start tagging them.”

Mom and Dad took the second mousie away from us, capturing it in the mousie catcher.

The mousie teasing Meerkat

They released it out the back door.

Then, the three of us Furry Bambinos headed to the basement where we surrounded the third mousie. This one took a little longer to ferret out from its hidey spot under one of the big white machines. I caught it, and all three of us raced back upstairs to the fambly room for the playing.

Panda Bear tags the mouse!

Mom and Dad took the third mousie away from us. This one was real easy for them to catch, because he wasn’t running very much. This time, they released it out the front door.

Mom and Dad were wondering if we had three dumb mice, or the same really really STUPID mousie.

The Furry Bambinos will never tell! 🙂

13 thoughts on “Three Dumb Mice”

  1. hi Furry Bambinos, nice to meet ya:)
    We from Meaouwy Troops kind of stay away from rodents nations, coz we think they’re yuchk & dirty so we’re afraid if we make any contact with them will lead us to diseases.
    But, we think birds & butterflies are so fascinating, coz they can fly away soo fazt indeed!

    felinesopher & her gank, meaouwy troops at

    “Musings in the myriad of feline, human & philosophy”

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