Mohawk Remembrance Day

Mom Here.  The Furry Bambinos said that I could post today, in honor of Mohawk.  Today is the anniversary of the day Mohawk entered our lives.  Poignantly, it is also the anniversary of the day Mohawk left us to live at the Rainbow Bridge.

On Friday, January 11, 1991, we adopted Mohawk.  You can read about his adoption tale here.  I wrote about it last year.  This year, I thought I would tell some other “Mohawk stories”.

Mohawk was a real cuddle-cat.  He loved to sit on laps.  He especially liked to climb inside my clothes, while I was in them!

He would hang out for awhile, then leave.  It looked like I was pregnant when Mo was inside my shirt with me.  He also liked to pin us down so we had to cuddle with him longer.

Mo really loved David too.  He would hang out on David’s lap …

… or shoulder.  Mo loved be close to us.

While Mo was very friendly with us, it was not the case with certain medical personnel.  You know, V-E-T’s.

For most of his life, Mo’s V-E-T was a great lady VET, “Dr. D.”, who does strictly house calls.  Imagine!  No forcing a cat into a PTU, then into the car, only to listen to complaints the whole way there.  The tricky part was extricating Mo from his hiding place when she arrived.  But by strategically closing doors to most of the rooms prior to her visit, I would limit the hiding places.

In order to be examined, I had to wrap Mohawk in a blanket.  We would pull out only those parts that were needed.  He would scream and yell at the top of his lungs.  I lived in apartments back then, and I think that Mo’s M.O. was to alert the neighbors with his screams, in hopes that they would call the ASPCA on me.

Mo also used the Scream At the Top of His Lungs approach when having his nails trimmed.  I had to wrap Mo in a blanket to trim his nails, only pulling out one leg at a time.  One time, Clyde became so agitated at Mohawk’s screams, that Clyde came over and BIT me on the leg!  He was trying to protect his brother from Mean Mommy who had the audacity to trim Mohawk’s nails.  Mohawk would get a cat treat afterwards if he did not hiss, spit, or bite me while getting his nails trimmed.  (He didn’t earn many treats.)

When Mohawk got cancer late in his life, Dr. D. referred us to a regular clinic.  At the clinic, Mo did his usual performance of carrying on.  He also BIT one of the V-E-T’s, earning him a great big V for Vicious on his medical chart.  I know that Mohawk is disappointed that none of the current Furry Bambinos are carrying on his tradition when going to the V-E-T.

Mohawk was a very graceful and athletic kitty.  He was skilled at jumping, and liked to get to very high places.  When he was a kitten, we used to play a game of “Mohawk in the Middle”.  David and I would toss a plush ball back and forth to each other with Mohawk in-between us.  The main object of the game to see how acrobatic Mohawk would get while going for the ball.

Meerkat is acrobatic too, and reminds us of Mo when she flies through the air.  Panda Bear reminds me of Mo when he hangs out on the table with us during meals.  And Padre reminds us of Mo the way he likes to play the “belt game”.  Mo would bite and bunny-kick the belt and show it who’s boss.

Mohawk was particularly fond of his sock toy.  Here’s a picture of Mo playing with his sock from his kittenhood days.

Thanks for indulging me in sharing a few Mohawk stories and photos with you.

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