Ice, Ice, Babee

Greetings!  Well, it is January, and here in northeast O-Hi-o, that means two things.

1.  Cold.

2.  Snow.

So, here at Casa Furry Bambino, that means two other things.

a)  I, Panda Bear, try to get outside to frolic in the snow.

b)  Mom and Dad try to keep me from getting outside and frolicking in the snow.

In order to get outside to frolic in the snow, I attempt to seize every opportunity I can.  This involves pretending to be all “Hi Welcome Home from Wherever You People Go Now Outta My Way I Want Out The Front Door”.  This method results in success only rarely.  Mom and Dad are on to me.  They do this elaborate dance when they come in the front door that should qualify them to be on the next iteration of River Dance.

The other opportunity is once daily when Mom or Dad opens the back door to feed the squirrels and birdies.

By the way, we haven’t seen chipmunks in awhile.  Does anyone know, do chipmunks hibernate?  Do they have time shares in Florida?  Be right back.

OK, I asked my good friend Google who is a real know it all.  Chipmunks DO hibernate! But I digress.

As I was saying, so I get this great opportunity to make my move when Mom or Dad has the back door open to toss peanuts and seed to the outdoor critters.  Cookie thought about it today, too.

So tdoay, after several minutes of plotting, I made my move.

Woo-hoo!!!  Outside!  I’m Outside!!!

Yeah, so OK, the snow is cold on my feet.  But I’m Outside!!!

I had a great time digging in the snow!

I enjoyed the sights, smells, and textures while exploring this morning.  Check out these wicked cool icicles hanging from the roof and power lines.

But for some reason, Mom grabbed me and hauled me back inside when I walked past the door on my way to the back yard.

Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow!

12 thoughts on “Ice, Ice, Babee”

  1. Panda Bear, you are amazing! Are you originally from the North Pole? Did Santy Claws bring you here?
    I have no desire whatsoever to go anywhere near that scary white stuff! I spend most of my time cuddled up to the things in the wall that hot air comes from. My human dad turns the heatt down to 62 and then I go bitey on Mom to make her turn the hot air back on. Sometimes i try to pull the metal thingy on the wall to try to turn on the hot air so I can make toasted buns, if you know what I mean. I’ve gone down to the basement to check out the huge metal box that seems to make the hot air, but there is nothing I can do about it!
    Well, Furry Bambino friends, stay warm and watch out for those big icicles!
    <3, Tammy Faye

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