Wildlife Sanctuary at Casa Cabán

Here at Casa Cabán, Mom and Dad have what they call a “Wildlife Sanctuary” in the back yard. There are lots of animals to observe! Today, I thought I would introduce you to some of the animals we like to study.

Mom and Dad feed the birdies and squirrels. Mom and Dad put up this gate when they open the door to feed them. So, we get as close to the gate as we can. Here, we are on “Squirrel Patrol”.

Squirrel patrol!

Here is an opossum, AKA possum, on our back porch:

Our Pal Possum!

Mom thinks he’s cute. She says “he is one of God’s creatures after all”. We think he is kinda scary looking. And he’s bigger than us, so we’re keeping our distance.

Uh-oh!  Possum can smell that we

This is a squirrel watching me watch him:

The squirrell is spying on us!

This is a different squirrel taking a bath while standing on a fence post. Impressive balance!

Squirrel has to bathe, too!

These are butterflies in the back corner of the yard, where Mom and Dad planted daffodils:


I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Wildlife Sanctuary at Casa Cabán!

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