There is now a web site called “How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You“. Unfortunately, our neurotic parental unit stumbled onto this site. They are now paranoid that we are trying to orchestrate their demise.
Yes, I like to knead on Mom’s squishy belleh and get me some good lap action.
Yes, Meerkat is an expert at staring contests.
Yes, I paw at Mom’s head while she sleeps.
Yes, we hunt for mousies to offer as gifts.
So when Mom took this quiz she FREAKED OUT when she saw the results:
Seriously doods, why would I want to kill the Can Opener Lady or the Pooper Scooper Man? It’s just not in our best interest.
Whatever you do, don’t let your parents take the quiz!
MOL! our Mommy saw that too! we quick walked on the keyboard to delete the site….MWAHAHAhahaha!
Our mum looked too but there is only an 87% that we are plotting to kill her.
Wuhahahhahahahaha! That’s what our mommy always say!
I hope Mommy doesn’t take that quiz!
This is funny!
Why on earth would I want to kill my SS? If she dies, no one would feed me, clean my tent, blog for me, give me treats…..
Definitely NOT in my best interest.
At least we can now tell when a d*g is trying to turn susceptible humans against their own sweet and lovable cats. We know we would never do such a thing to our own staff — do you know how hard it is to find good help these days?
Do you think the site is a plot by some mean woofies? ( Not the nice woofies.)
We are not going to let our mom take the quiz. We need her to continue to cater to our every whim!
How are you Bambinos doing?
Cats are always checking us for weakness…and guess what? We are! We always give in, in the end!
Well, now I know what you mean about paranoid! Unfortunately, my human saw this post while she was at the thing she calls work. I couldn’t prevent her from taking the quiz, but when she got home and I realised what had happened, I thought I’d reassure her by getting her to stroke me while I kneaded her tummy. I can’t understand why she leapt off the sofa with a cry of “Oh no, not yet. I’m too young to die!” You’re right when you say that good help is too hard to find. I’ve got no intention of killing the human, not when she feeds me so well. What’s the best way to reassure her, do you think?
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Paranoid Parents