Aunt Patty and Uncle Chris did the M word. From Pittsburgh Pennsylvanicat to Columbia Meowssouri. Two weeks ago.
Our poor traumatized feline cousins! Poor Rainbow, Muse, Cinnamon, and Toast! Even Bruiser, the woofie, had to endure being cooped up in rooms that moved for days and days! And to think that Mom and Dad (gasp!) helped. How could they stoop so low?!
Over the next few days, we Furry Bambinos will report on the events of the cross-country M word, as we experienced them. If you want to know what stupid stuff Mom and Dad were up to, go read their stupid blog.
We should have suspected that something was up when the big rectangular boxes with zippers started appearing all over the house. Mom and Dad put lots of clothes into them. They even brought home two new PTU’s (Prisoner Transport Units) and two new comfy cat beds. Meerkat slept in the pink comfy cat bed over the weekend, thinking it was for her.
Then on the morning of Monday the 28th of July, Mom and Dad mysteriously left. When they returned, they had a ginormous room that moves with them! This is what it looked like:
It made all of us a bit nervous, what with the ginormous room that moves and all. Mom and Dad put all of their rectangular boxes with zippers into it. Then they left us all alone. Hoomph! And I wanted Mom to help us blog! Well, at least they didn’t drag us along! We had a relaxing day, napping, watching the birdies and squirrels, and munching on crunchies. We knew that Aunt Deb would visit us, give us our stinky goodness and crunchies, and play with us, so we weren’t worried. And with Mom and Dad away, maybe we could try to get a few cats together for a par-tay!
I have moved a couple of times, and even flew in an airplane. Moving is No Fun!