this is the second post in a series about what we did while mom and dad abandoned us to help aunt patty and uncle chris with the m word. our poor cousins rainbow, muse, cinnamon, toast, and bruiser (the woofie) had to endure being cooped up in rooms that moved for days and days. if you want to know what mom and dad were doing, go read their stupid blog.
aunt deb made it over to our house by 10 am on tuesday (july 29). padre greeted her in the front room. panda bear was sitting under the front room window. we bambinos had eaten all the fancy feast crunchies from one bowl, and some iams, but still had a full bowl of dry fancy feast crunchies, and plenty of water left. aunt deb replenished everything, and gave us our stinky goodness!
after we chowed down, we played with the feather toy! padre and i were into it, but panda bear just sat near aunt deb and groomed himself.
aunt deb sang songs to us: a butchered version of frere jacques, a silly rhyming song that she made up about us, and a few more. we especially enjoyed when aunt deb sang “the wheels on the bus”. when she sang “the wipers on the bus go whoosh whoosh whoosh”, i got all excited. i rolled around on my back on the floor next to aunt deb. she reached out to me, and i met her finger with my paw, like ET. awwww — so cute!
we saw a yellow and black butterfly and a squirrel. that was fun! aunt deb stayed about 1/2 hour and reminded us about the NO PARTIES rule before she left. we didn’t promise anything.
It sounds like you had a great time! Sing-alongs are great fun.